Performance Appraisal Tutorial | Performance Assessment

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Performance Assessment


Although facts and concepts are fundamental in any undergraduate SMET course, knowledge of methods, procedures and analysis skills that provide context are equally important. Student growth in these latter facets prove somewhat difficult to evaluate, particularly with conventional multiple-choice examinations. Performance assessments, used in concert with more traditional forms of assessment, are designed to provide a more complete picture of student achievement.


Performance assessments are designed to judge student abilities to USE specific knowledge and research skills. Most performance assessments require the student to manipulate equipment to solve a problem or make an analysis. Rich performance assessments reveal a variety of problem solving approaches, thus providing insight into a student’s level of conceptual and procedural

An appraisal is obtained by an employee for his/her job. A performance appraisal is based on an employee’s performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. The appraisal aims at measuring skills and activities with due accuracy and uniformity. The appraisal identifies areas for performance enrichment and promotes professional growth. The appraisal measures skills and accomplishments with reasonable accuracy and uniformity. I

Each and every employee gets entitled to a proper appraisal. A successful appraisal is the outcome of the supervisor’s constructive and objective appraisal and employee’s positive respond to constructive suggestion and willingness to work with the supervisor to work in the future.

The following points are the overview of the process,

  • To establish performance standard
  • To communicate standards and expectations.
  • To measure the actual performance
  • To compare with standards
  • To provide feedback
  • To take corrective action

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Performance Appraisal Tutorial | Performance Assessment

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