Appraisal of the performance of individual channel member is yet another important element of channel management. Performance appraisal must bring forth the strengths and weaknesses of the channel member. If the performance is below the desired level, remedial action must be taken promptly. The appraisal should specifically identify areas where improvement is called for.
The appraisal has to be based on pre-agreed standards of performance. Appraisal based solely on sales volume will be inadequate. The ranking done on this basis may not correctly reveal the contribution made by different channel member. The fact that channel member face varying environments in their sales operations should be taken into account while appraising their performance. A wider set of relevant criteria must be used in the appraisal. While the criteria may vary from company to company and product to product
Performance appraisal is intended to serve as a means of improving the performance of channel member. In extreme cases, however, the appraisal may lead to the termination of the channel member. When termination is the only alternative, the firm should not hesitate to take that course.
Basically, all channel members are evaluated on the basis of whether they have met their assigned targets or not. Customer satisfaction surveys are also conducted to evaluate the quality of service provided by the channel member.
Weaknesses Commonly Noticed in Networks
- The Network is inadequate size wize
- The network is inadequate, qualitatively
- The network is not properly spread out.
- The interior markets are not covered properly
- A part of the network is inactive
- Quite a few links in the network are unviable
- The network is excessive for the task on hand
Review of the Dealer Network as a Whole
In addition to performance appraisal of individual dealers, the firm must also carry out periodic reviews of the dealer network as a whole. Removal of weaknesses in the network is the objective of such a review. All such weaknesses must be overcome if the channel has to function as a vital instrument of marketing.