Other Assets for a Successful Real Estate Agent

A Clean, Professional, Reliable Car

If you’re a newer agent, you’ll be working with more buyers than sellers in the early part of your career. By having a professional and reliable car, you can increase your probability of success. Ideally, you never want to meet prospects for an appointment at the home they called or e-mailed you about. You want to meet them at your office. By meeting at your office, you can suggest that you ride in one car to the home you’re showing — preferably yours. With the vast increase in petrol prices, you can make this a benefit to them. You’re better able to model the consultative relationship you want by taking your car.

Before taking the prospect out in your car, it’s better to conduct a buyer interview and know him thoroughly. When prospects arrive at your office and want to go see the home they’re interested in without sitting through a buyer interview, you’ll at least be able to conduct some of the interview en route to the home you’ll be showing if they ride in your car.

That is why you need a professional and reliable car. You must also have a car that is clean both inside and out. You don’t need to drive a BMW, Mercedes, or Lexus, but you do need a car that demonstrates you’re doing reasonably well in your business. My advice is that if you can’t afford a luxury brand of vehicle that is new or fairly new, buy one that is older with low mileage. Make sure it’s a classic in style and prestige.

Use your car to gain efficiency and career advancement. You have a large learning curve ahead and plenty of drive time during which you can “go to school” with CDs, CD series, and now pod casts that help you improve your business, sales, and personal skills.

You’re success-oriented or you wouldn’t have registered for this Vskills Certification. Keep acquiring new ideas by turning your commute into skills-development time, and get ready to watch your career take off.

Dress up for Success

Each real estate area or region has a set level of professional dress. Your first impression to a prospect can carry a lot of weight. If you’re dressed well, they’ll assume you’re successful, even if you aren’t. The public will make a judgment of you and your services, fairly or unfairly, based on how you dress. You feel better and more powerful when you’re dressed well. When buying clothes start off by buying classics that will never go out of style. Stay away from the ultra-trendy colors and styles. By investing in classics, you can mix and match and stretch your wardrobe. I also recommend having your shirts (or blouses) professionally laundered. There’s nothing as crisp, clean, and professional as a well-starched shirt.

Professional Business Cards and Stationery

The proper business cards and stationery are essential tools for a successful agent. Opt for business cards with your picture on them to help your prospects create a quicker connection and recognition. Make sure the photo’s current. Also, having note cards, letterhead, and envelopes that identify you is advisable. You need to ensure that the professional image you work so hard to achieve is carried through with every contact and correspondence you have with your clients and prospects.

Personal Web Site

With more buyers using the Internet to search for properties, your Web site has become an essential tool for lead generation and for exposing your sellers’ homes.

You don’t need the fanciest, most expensive Web site in cyberspace. Just search out one of the many companies that make solid-template, mass produced Web sites. These types of sites are extremely economical in the initial investment you have to make, as well as in monthly hosting fees.

Many of these companies build cost-effective sites so they can get the residual income they charge monthly from hosting your site.

You also want a company that has the ability to place you higher in the search engine rankings. This is where you’ll generate traffic and leads.

A Headset for Your Phone

A headset makes effective prospecting much easier. It allows you to stand while you’re doing the prospecting, and because your hands are free, you’re able to engage your body in the communication. A headset will improve your posture, position, energy, and enthusiasm. Another perk of a headset is that it will leave both of your hands free so you can type notes directly or write down if something is important while you’re talking with the prospect or client.

Support System

You’ll find that with many successful people in life, there is a spouse, child, friend, parent, or significant partner that contributed mightily to their success. Find someone close whom you can trust to help you set up your business.

Good Contact Management System

To store your prospecting information and ensure your prompt and ongoing follow up use a contact management software or something which is specifically built up for real estate agents that not only manages your sales effort, but also looks at business management, market reports, and tracking your closings.

The goal should be able to access your contact database with reliability and ease. Invest in technology like a good desktop or laptop and spent on good software to manage your contacts.

Real Estate Mortgage Calculator

An agent must have the ability to help his client figure out the approximate mortgage payment, net proceeds after the sale, and down payment amount needed based on loan to value ratios. Find a mortgage calculator and ensure that you can easily figure out how to use it.

Time Management for a Successful Real Estate Consultant
Successful Real Estate Agent: How to work with buyers

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