Organizational Culture

Organistaional culture include Leadership climate, leadership, communication, decision making, supervision, rewards, information sharing, corporate social responsibility, etc. Dimensions to audit culture include:

Leadership Climate

Where the leaders manage the mistakes of juniors, manage their conflicts, provide resources, support juniors, and respond to their failures. Assessment criteria are:

  • Top and senior leaders manage the mistakes of their subordinates supportively and help them to learn from them.
  • Conflicts are managed with understanding, and conflicting parties are encouraged to learn and resolve conflicts themselves.
  • Performance is monitored and managed supportively by providing encouragement and required resources and other support to juniors.
  • Seniors respond to failures of their juniors supportively and in a developmental way.


There are mechanisms to motivate employees; the employees are encouraged to talk about their responsibilities with enthusiasm and regard. There is high commitment to work and inspiration to work. Assessment criteria are:

  • There are mechanisms to motivate employees (reward and recognition).
  • Talking about one’s work responsibilities is encouraged with enthusiasm and positive regard.
  • There is high degree of commitment to work on the part of all employees.
  • Seniors provide inspiration to work to their juniors.


The communication mechanisms are good and meet the needs of employees. There is adequate upward and downward communications, formal and informal communications, and verbal and written communications to meet employee needs and make them feel as part of the organization.

Assessment criteria are:

Both verbal and written communications are used adequately and effectively to communicate to

  • all employees about various matters to keep them in the loop to do their job.
  • The communications meet the various needs of employees.
  • Both formal and informal communication channels are used effectively.
  • The communication is effective both ways (upward and downward).


Where the decision making is participative, logical and analytical, objective and timely and ensure the interests of the organization. Assessment criteria are:

  • There is consultative and participative decision making culture.
  • Decision making is on the basis of data collected and is normally logical and analytical.
  • Decisions are objective and timely.
  • All decisions are made to suit the interests of the organization.


The goal set is objective, follows norms and rules, and is based on dialogues, goals are SMART.

Assessment criteria are:

  • Setting of goals is done systematically, and follows systems and processes, or rules and norms.
  • There are dialogues and discussions for and during the setting of goals.
  • Goals provide challenge.
  • SMART goals are set.


There is adequate direction and supervision of work, systems are used to ensure checks, and there

are internal controls. Assessment criteria are:

  • There is adequate supervision and monitoring of work of employees.
  • Employees get the guidance and directions needed for their work from the supervisors.
  • The organization uses the systems to check work accomplishments, meeting of targets, etc.
  • A lot of internal controls are available and exercised.

Shared Values

There are well articulated values of the organization, which are shared across the organization and they are transmitted to new recruits and employees across various levels. Departments share these values. Assessment criteria are:

  • Organisation is very clear about its values. They are articulated, documented, and made
  • available to employees.
  • There is high awareness of values across levels and departments.
  • There are mechanisms to monitor the practice of the organizational values including the punishments for not practicing the core values.
  • The values are transmitted to new recruits.

Quality Orientation

There is quality consciousness across the organization, and quality systems are used.

Assessment criteria are:

  • There is high degree of quality consciousness among the organization.
  • The organization has quality certifications like ISO 9000 and other awards.
  • HR strategies aim at total quality and quality related systems in use.
  • Tolerance level of poor quality of internal customers is very low.
  • Feedback from external customers about quality of products/services provided.

Rewards and Recognition

There is adequate mechanism to recognize and reward desired behavior, and efficacy and effectiveness and rewards and recognition systems are administered with objectivity. Assessment criteria are:

  • There are many mechanisms and systems in use to reward and recognize desirable behavior and output.
  • The mechanisms of rewards and recognition are followed and implemented well.
  • There are acknowledgement and appreciation through informal mechanisms.
  • Recognition and rewards are based solely on merit and worth.


Information is shared across various levels and departments of the organization, and people maintain confidentiality where necessary, and there are systems and mechanisms for sharing.

Assessment criteria are:

  • Information needed is shared widely across the organization.
  • The organization ensures that the information needs of employees are met across the levels.
  • There are well set mechanisms and systems of information sharing.
  • Employees and their seniors exercise direction in sharing information, and ensure that confidentiality is maintained and respected where necessary.


There are efforts made to empower employees to act with authority, and where delegation and autonomy are provided adequately. Assessment criteria are:

  • There is level of degree of empowerment at each level in the organization.
  • There are continuous efforts made to enhance empowerment of employees.
  • Line managers have positive attitudes towards empowerment.
  • Employees down the line are given adequate freedom to take decisions.
  • There is high level of delegation and seniors develop juniors to handle higher-level tasks.

Learning Orientation

There is support to learning from the top management, organizational efforts are made to stimulate learning and employees have positive attitudes toward learning. Assessment criteria are:

  • Top management is supportive of learning by employees.
  • The organization makes special efforts and uses special mechanisms to stimulate learning.
  • Employees have positive attitudes toward learning.
  • There is good documentation and knowledge management system existing in this organization which results in competence building.

Openness to Change

The top management and senior managers are open and receptive to change. They are aware of the need to change, are open to change, and have formal mechanisms and facilitators to manage change.

  • Top and senior management have positive attitude towards change.
  • The employees are conceptually aware about the change process.
  • Employees with relevant experience are appointed as facilitators/change agents to assist fellow employees in dealing with change.
  • Employees in the organization are flexible and are ready to accept novel ideas/systems/processes.
  • . Top management makes efforts and provides adequate resources to create openness to change.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Employees are sensitive to their environment and surrounding, and exhibit a high degree of social responsibility and citizenship that extends beyond the organization to the local community and the country where it is located.

  • The organization is an active promoter of social development activities.
  • The organization subscribes highly to the social development activities of the economy, various agencies, and governmental and non-governmental bodies.
  • The organization has taken initiatives to start such local organizations for the upliftment of the less privileged.
  • The organization has taken initiatives to keep its surrounding clean and to upgrade the skills of population in adjoining areas.
  • Employees participate in CSR activities undertaken by the organization proactively without any force.


The organization and its culture emphasis health and promote healthy living. Employees are health conscious. Assessment criteria are:

  • Organization arranges for various health check-up camps on monthly/quarterly basis.
  • Seminars/workshops are organized to create awareness about health and healthy living.
  • Facilities like gyms, sports club, and yoga classes are conducted for employees.
  • Hygienic and healthy food is provided in canteen/ cafeteria.


Employees are tuned to ensure the safety and security of themselves and each other. The organization’s culture is tuned to ensure safety, and physical and mental security of employees.

Assessment criteria are:

  • Organizations follow industrial safety norms.
  • Organisation has a disaster management team to fight any unexpected situation.
  • Employees are trained to fight situations like fire.
  • There have been instances of accidents, handled tactfully in recent past.

Work satisfaction and motivation

Employees are satisfied and are motivated to work. Employee engagement is of high level. Employees have high sense of pride. Assessment criteria include:

  • Employees are hard working, come early to office, stay late and seem to enjoy working.
  • High retention or low attrition rates.
  • Employees gain new skills and competencies.
  • Low absenteeism rate.

Methods of Assessment

Interviews of the HR managers and Line managers/Functional Head

  • Interviews of line managers and HR managers can be conducted to get information and know their view on the above aspects of organizational culture.

Documents/ Reports/ Secondary data

  • Any reports on training programs conducted to develop above skills.
  • 360 degree survey reports.
  • Reports on motivational surveys.
  • Internal or external certification about maintaining quality standards.
  • Written policies on above aspects.
  • Awards and certificates won for CSR.


  • Departmental meetings in this regard.
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