Organization Development

Change is unavoidable reality. There are continuous changes in dynamic business environment. This system deals with the efforts taken by managers and employees in response to these changes. Dimensions of auditing this system are listed below.

Carried out in a planned and systematic manner

  • Problem identification phase
  • Use of various sources for collecting information
    • Interviews with various people across organization- starting from top management.
    • Presence of observations in organization in terms of dynamics at play, working conditions.
    • Use of other methods of data collection-survey feedback, analysis of secondary data.
  • Comprehensive diagnosis of the issue and causes
    • Compilation of all the data collected.
    • Detailed analysis with additional notes on the key problems being faced by the organization or probable causes for the issues which have already been recognized by organization.
  • Strategy planning in a participative manner
  • Sharing feedback of the diagnostic understanding with the key people.
  • Working out various options and alternatives for dealing with the problem, and consequences of each of the alternatives.
  • Encouraging team to take a decision on alternative to be used.
  • Deciding a strategy for implementing the change required either using an in-house team or with the involvement of the external consultant.
  • Planning the specific intervention
  • Taking a decision on the intervention to be used (structural, cultural, etc.).
  • Detailed plan on how to proceed.
  • Using collaborative approach for .implementation and review.
  • Data collection on outcomes and improvements, analysis, review of outcomes, and discussions on modifications to be made and future plan of action.
  • Using temporary teams to continue work.
  • Planning the next phase to enhance improvements.

Using Action Research Where Necessary

  • Use of Action Research Where Necessary
  • Using for improving various HR systems.
  • Using action research to review the OD interventions initiated in the organization.

Ensuring Success of the OD intervention

  • Ensuring Success of the OD intervention
  • Start with the needs most felt by the organization to ensure willingness to change.
  • Choosing receptive entry points
    • At least one department in the organization is willing to experiment, and has the resources required to stabilize the change planned.
  • Working with forces supportive to the change
    • Focus on roles and departments enthusiastic or willing to change.
  • Proliferate efforts towards changes
    • Use of autonomous units as model.
    • Using multiple entry points to address inter-related issues.
    • Achieve minimum critical concentration in any department to achieve success.
  • Developing internal resources
    • Choosing and defining the role of the internal OD facilitator and his/her team.
    • Establishing linkage of the internal facilitator with external consultants.
    • Reviewing the work of the internal facilitator.
    • Continuous professional development of the internal facilitator.
  • Getting top management commitment.

Perceived Visible Benefits as a Consequence of OD Interventions

  • Perceived visible benefits as a consequence of OD interventions
  • Helps in organizational problem-solving capability through confrontation and collaboration.
  • Promotes linkage between the individual goals and organizational goals, and also between different groups and functions in the organization.
  • Improved culture for learning and continuous improvement:
    • Greater risk taking capacity.
    • Collaboration
    • Ambiguity tolerance.
    • Openness

Competencies of People Involved

  • Involvement of an external specialist
  • Imitated by an expert who has the knowledge of applied Behavioral science, and also the skill of applying this knowledge in the organizational situation.
  • Initial stage external consultant involved to get an objective view of the organization, and confront issues which an internal person may not be able to do.
  • Strong internal resources to carry forward the work initiated by the external expert
  • Knowledge of basic concepts of applied behavioral science.
  • Trained in methods used in OD.
  • High level of diagnostic and problem-solving capability.
  • Behavioral qualities such as creativity, perseverance, interpersonal sensitivity, communication skills, empathy, etc.
  • Supportive role of the top management
  • Efforts initiated from top.
  • Commits the necessary support and resources required.
  • Takes the data seriously and supports the changes required.
  • Facilitates change efforts by setting example.
  • Serve as link between various functions and departments to facilitate the change through collaboration.

Auditing Methods and Techniques for organizational development


  • HR Managers: To know about
  • System and process of planning OD (i.e. interviews, study of various process, documents and secondary data).
  • System of problem identification.
  • Methods of diagnosing the issues and causes.
  • Discussion of identified problems with key people in the organization.
  • Planning and decision making process documentation on change.
  • Action research process on improving HR systems.
  • Involvement of external consultants for OD.
  • Usefulness of strength of employees for OD.
  • Efforts initiated from top management.
  • Line Managers/ Functional Heads To get information on:
  • Any OD intervention planned by HR staff.
  • Conduct of interviews, surveys by HR staff to throw light on issues.
  • Involvement of employees in deciding a methodology or plan of action.
  • Awareness about OD intervention plan.
  • Their participation in any research work undertaken by HR staff.
  • Their view on success and usefulness of OD.

Documents/Secondary Data

  • Documents pertaining to the planning phase of the process.
  • Documents pertaining to the identification phase of the process.
  • Decided strategy.
  • Detailed plan of action for implementing OD intervention.
  • Report on any action research conducted.
  • Any report on involvement of external consultants in the OD process.
  • Any report on the internal resources of the organization useful for OD.
  • Any written material on top management involvement.


  • HR Audit Questionnaire
Training and Learning
Auditing Communication Strategy

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