Opportunities and Challenges for Talent Management

Opportunities and Challenges for Talent Management

The following are the opportunities and challenges:

  • Recruiting Talent – The recent economic downturn saw job cuts globally. Those who were most important to organizations in their understanding were retained, other were sacked. Similarly huge shuffles happened at the top leadership positions. They were seen as crisis managers unlike those who were deemed responsible for throwing organizations into troubled waters. It is the jurisdiction of talent management to get such people on onboard, who are enterprising but ensure that an organization does not suffer for the same.
  • Training and Developing Talent – The downturn also opened the eyes of organizations to newer models of employment – part time or temporary workers. This is a new challenge to talent management, training and developing people who work on a contractual or project basis. What‘s more big a challenge is increasing the stake of these people in their work.
  • Retaining Talent – While organizations focus on reducing employee overheads and sacking those who are unessential in the shorter run, it also spreads a wave of de motivation among those who are retained. An uncertainty about the firing axe looms in their mind. It is essential to maintain a psychological contract with employees those who have been fired as well as those who have been retained. Investing on people development in crisis is the best thing an organization can do to retain its top talent.
  • Developing Leadership Talent – Leadership in action means an ability to take out of crisis situation, extract certainty out of uncertainty, set goals and driving change to ensure that the momentum is not lost. Identifying people from within the organization who should be invested upon is a critical talent management challenge.
  • Creating Talented Ethical CultureSetting standards for ethical behavior, increasing transparency, reducing complexities and developing a culture of reward and appreciation are still more challenges and opportunities for talent management.

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