Objectives and scope of standardization

Standardization of materials is the subset of codification – the process of signifying each item through a number whose digits further represent the group, the subgroup, type and dimensions of a particular item. The first two digits would generally indicate the major groups, such as if it’s a raw material, oil stationary, etc, and the next two digits would indicate subgroups, such as type of raw material, etc. The next three digits can represent the dimensional characteristics of the item, and the last digit of any minor variations.

The broad objectives of a rationalized material standardization system include:

  • Standardization objects to bring all items together.
  • To allow assembling of any future items in their proper place.
  • To classify items as per their characteristics.
  • To assign a special code number to each item to evade any ambiguity or duplication.
  • To promote variety reduction through codification.
  • To formulate a common language for ease of identifying an item.
  • To establish key parameters to specify an item.
  • To state items according to national and international standards.
  • To facilitate data processing and data analysis.

Rationalized standardization has culminated into many organizations reducing their number of items and in turn, working on a systemic grouping of items similar in nature, thus avoiding confusion caused due to detailed description of items, because standardization of names is backed by codification that introduces standardization and simplification. Not only does it avoid duplication of items, but also results into the minimization of the number of items and accuracy in record-keeping.

Standardization also allows for easy identification of items in stores and hence, reduces much on clerical efforts. Items coded as per the sources also enable keeping the items in bulk while ordering. Therefore, standardization of materials is very crucial right from design, production, engineering through to inspection, maintenance and materials.

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Classification by codification
Simplification/Variety of reduction

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