MS-Excel Interface and Moving in a worksheet

A spreadsheet is a computer application with tools that increase the user’s productivity in capturing, analyzing, and sharing tabular data sets. It displays multiple cells usually in a two-dimensional matrix or grid consisting of rows and columns (in other words, a table, hence “tabular”).

Microsoft Excel is a Spreadsheet package that is widely used for financial purposes. The workspace called the workbook is divided into a number of sheets called the worksheet. The screen that appears on opening MS-EXCEL is-

Menu Bar – It is below title bar of the window, listing all nine drop down menu of MS-Excel.
Status Bar – It is at bottom of the window showing keyboard keys status and computed result.
Row and Row Number – The horizontal lines are rows, numbered 1,2,3 up to 65536.
Column and Column Number – The vertical lines columns named A, B, C and so on up to IV.
Cell – The intersection of a row and a column is called the cell.
Cell Address – The cell address is column name and the row address; so A1 is cell address of first cell at first column and first row. The last cell’s address is IV65536.
Worksheets – It consists of cells organized into columns and rows and is stored in a workbook.
Workbooks – It is MS-Excel file with many worksheets to store data with “XLS” extension.
Work Sheet tabs – They appear at bottom showing worksheet names and to move or edit them.


Moving in a worksheet

To move between cells on a worksheet, click any cell or use the arrow keys. When we move to a cell, it becomes the active cell. To see a different area of the sheet, use the scroll bars.

To scrollDo this
One row up or downClick the arrows in the vertical scroll bar.
One column left or rightClick the arrows in the horizontal scroll bar.
One window up or downClick above or below the scroll box in the vertical scroll bar.
One window left or rightClick to left or right of scroll box in the horizontal scroll bar.
A large distanceDrag the scroll box to the approximate relative position. In a very large worksheet, hold down SHIFT while dragging
Printing and Formatting
Data entry and types (date, alphanumeric)

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