MRP reports – Database recording and maintenance

Database maintenance is evident in MRP II that involves constant focus on the databases influencing the planning process, including inventory reorder levels, standard costs, lead times, time standards and accuracy in inventory stock status.

 DetailsKey Reports
Inventory Management  Establishes reorder values, amounts, and lead times, as may be required.   For manufactured items, it runs lead time generator, if needed. Corroborate on-hand quantities via selective counting or physical inventory.MRP parameters, physical check, inventory value, bills of material, routings report, material costs, work centers.
Work OrdersComprises all activities related to physically formulating and processing production orders at the factory, such as generating orders, printing documents, processing labour and materials, outside processing, reporting end production.Work order schedule, work centre backlog, work centre schedule, work order status, work order shortages.
Purchase OrdersComprises activities associated with coordination of purchases and receipts of materials and services from external vendors, such as entering purchase orders manually, vendor invoices and transferring inspected items from quality check to inventory.PO listing, PO receipts for buying history
Sales OrdersConsists of activities related to receiving, scheduling and shipping of client orders.Sales Order listing, backorder listing, shipping schedule
Computer Application to MRP Process
Independent and dependent MRP system

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