Microsoft Word Glossary

Important definitions and terminologies used in Microsoft Word



Alignment in Microsoft Word

Apply and format columns in Microsoft Word

Applying Styles in Microsoft Word

Arrange All in Microsoft Word

Arrow Keys in Microsoft Word

ASCII Text in Microsoft Word

AutoCorrect in Microsoft Word

AutoFit in Microsoft Word

AutoFormat in Microsoft Word

Automatic Numbering in Microsoft Word

AutoText in Microsoft Word

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Background in Microsoft Word

Background Printing in Microsoft Word

BACKSPACE in Microsoft Word

Bold in Microsoft Word

Book Icon in Microsoft Word

Bookmark in Microsoft Word

Borders in Microsoft Word

Break Dialog Box in Microsoft Word

Browse in Microsoft Word

bulleted lists in Microsoft Word

Bullets in Microsoft Word

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Catalog in Microsoft Word

Cell in Microsoft Word

Cell Height in Microsoft Word

Cell Width in Microsoft Word

Center Alignment in Microsoft Word

Centering in Microsoft Word

Character Style in Microsoft Word

charts in Microsoft Word

Click-and-drag in Microsoft Word

Click-and-hold in Microsoft Word

Clip Art in Microsoft Word

Clipboard in Microsoft Word

Close in Microsoft Word

Collaborating in Microsoft Word

Collate in Microsoft Word

Columns in Microsoft Word

Compatibility mode in Microsoft Word

Contents And Index in Microsoft Word

Contents Card in Microsoft Word

Context-sensitive Help in Microsoft Word

Continuous Section Break in Microsoft Word

Copies in Microsoft Word

Copying Drag-and-drop Mouse Pointer in Microsoft Word

Courier New in Microsoft Word

Crop in Microsoft Word

CTRL+Click-and-drag in Microsoft Word

Current Document in Microsoft Word

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Data Form in Microsoft Word

Data Source in Microsoft Word

Database in Microsoft Word

Database Field in Microsoft Word

Default in Microsoft Word

Delete Rows in Microsoft Word

diagrams in Microsoft Word

Dictionary in Microsoft Word

Document in Microsoft Word

Document Field in Microsoft Word

Document Icon in Microsoft Word

document layout in Microsoft Word

Double-click in Microsoft Word

Double-click Selections in Microsoft Word

Drag-and-drop in Microsoft Word

Drag-select in Microsoft Word

Drawing Objects in Microsoft Word

Drawing tools in Microsoft Word

Drop cap in Microsoft Word

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Endnote in Microsoft Word

End-of-document Marker in Microsoft Word

Envelope in Microsoft Word

Envelopes in Microsoft Word

Equation in Microsoft Word

Exit in Microsoft Word

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Field in Microsoft Word

File List in Microsoft Word

File Name in Microsoft Word

File Name Text Box in Microsoft Word

Files Of Type Box in Microsoft Word

Find And Replace Dialog Box in Microsoft Word

Find Card in Microsoft Word

Find In Field Dialog Box in Microsoft Word

Float Over Text in Microsoft Word

Folder in Microsoft Word

Font in Microsoft Word

Font Formatting in Microsoft Word

Fonts in Microsoft Word

Footer in Microsoft Word

Footer in Microsoft Word

footers in Microsoft Word

Footnote in Microsoft Word

Form Letters in Microsoft Word

Format Painter in Microsoft Word

Format paragraphs in Microsoft Word

Format Picture Dialog Box in Microsoft Word

Format text in Microsoft Word

Formatting Content in Microsoft Word

Formatting Documents in Microsoft Word

Formatting Toolbar in Microsoft Word

Formulas in Microsoft Word

Frame in Microsoft Word

Full Screen View in Microsoft Word

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Graphics in Microsoft Word

Grid Setting in Microsoft Word

Gridlines in Microsoft Word

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Hand Mouse Pointer in Microsoft Word

Hanging indent in Microsoft Word

Hard Return in Microsoft Word

Header in Microsoft Word

Header And Footer Toolbar in Microsoft Word

headers in Microsoft Word

Heading Styles in Microsoft Word

Headings in Microsoft Word

Highlighting in Microsoft Word

Hot Spot in Microsoft Word

Hyperlink in Microsoft Word

hyperlinks in Microsoft Word

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I-beam Mouse Pointer in Microsoft Word

Indent in Microsoft Word

Indentation in Microsoft Word

Indents and Spacing Card in Microsoft Word

Index Card in Microsoft Word

Inline Picture in Microsoft Word

Insert in Microsoft Word

Insert Mode in Microsoft Word

Insert Rows in Microsoft Word

Insertion point in Microsoft Word

Italic in Microsoft Word

Italics in Microsoft Word

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Justification in Microsoft Word

Justified Alignment in Microsoft Word

Justify in Microsoft Word

Justify text in Microsoft Word

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Keep Lines Together in Microsoft Word

Keep With Next in Microsoft Word

Kerning in Microsoft Word

Keyboard customization in Microsoft Word

Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word

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Landscape in Microsoft Word

Last Modified Box in Microsoft Word

Left Alignment in Microsoft Word

Left Justification in Microsoft Word

Line And Page Breaks Card in Microsoft Word

Line Between in Microsoft Word

Line breaks in Microsoft Word

Line spacing in Microsoft Word

List Box in Microsoft Word

Look In Text Box in Microsoft Word

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Macros in Microsoft Word

Mail Merge in Microsoft Word

Mailing Labels in Microsoft Word

Main Document in Microsoft Word

Managing Documents in Microsoft Word

Margin in Microsoft Word

Margins in Microsoft Word

Margins Card in Microsoft Word

Marquee-select in Microsoft Word

Memo Wizard in Microsoft Word

Menu Bar in Microsoft Word

Merge Cells in Microsoft Word

Merge Field in Microsoft Word

Merge labels in Microsoft Word

Merge letters in Microsoft Word

Monospaced Font in Microsoft Word

Mouse Pointer in Microsoft Word

Move With Text in Microsoft Word

Moving Drag-and-drop Mouse Pointer in Microsoft Word

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Navigation pane in Microsoft Word

Non-printing Characters in Microsoft Word

Normal Style in Microsoft Word

Normal view in Microsoft Word

Northeast Arrow Mouse Pointer in Microsoft Word

Northwest Arrow Mouse Pointer in Microsoft Word

numbered lists in Microsoft Word

Numbering in Microsoft Word

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Objects in Microsoft Word

Office Assistant in Microsoft Word

Online Layout View in Microsoft Word

Open in Microsoft Word

Open Dialog Box in Microsoft Word

Option Button in Microsoft Word

Organizing Content in Microsoft Word

Outline view in Microsoft Word

outlines in Microsoft Word

Overtype Mode in Microsoft Word

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Page break in Microsoft Word

Page Break Before in Microsoft Word

Page Layout View in Microsoft Word

Page numbering in Microsoft Word

page setup in Microsoft Word

Page Setup Dialog Box in Microsoft Word

Paragraph in Microsoft Word

Paragraph Formatting in Microsoft Word

Paragraph Mark in Microsoft Word

Paragraph Style in Microsoft Word

Picture Toolbar in Microsoft Word

Point in Microsoft Word

Pop-up Window in Microsoft Word

Position in Microsoft Word

pre-defined text in Microsoft Word

Preview Area in Microsoft Word

Print Preview in Microsoft Word

Print Range in Microsoft Word

Printer Font in Microsoft Word

Printer Name Drop-down List in Microsoft Word

Proportionally Spaced Font in Microsoft Word

Protected Form in Microsoft Word

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Query in Microsoft Word

Query Filter in Microsoft Word

Query Sort in Microsoft Word

Question Text Box in Microsoft Word

Quick Access Toolbar in Microsoft Word

Quick Parts in Microsoft Word

Quick View in Microsoft Word

Quotation marks in Microsoft Word

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Record in Microsoft Word

Relative To in Microsoft Word

Replace in Microsoft Word

Replace Card in Microsoft Word

Review tab in Microsoft Word

Ribbon in Microsoft Word

Right Alignment in Microsoft Word

Rows in Microsoft Word

Rulers in Microsoft Word

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Save A Document in Microsoft Word

Save As in Microsoft Word

Save As Dialog Box in Microsoft Word

Scaling in Microsoft Word

Screen Element in Microsoft Word

Scroll Bar in Microsoft Word

Scroll Bar Arrows in Microsoft Word

Scroll Box in Microsoft Word

Scrolling in Microsoft Word

Section in Microsoft Word

Section break in Microsoft Word

Select in Microsoft Word

Selecting in Microsoft Word

Selection Bar in Microsoft Word

Shading in Microsoft Word

Shading Color in Microsoft Word

SHIFT in Microsoft Word

SHIFT+Click Selection in Microsoft Word

SHIFT+TAB in Microsoft Word

Shrink-To-Fit in Microsoft Word

Size in Microsoft Word

Sizing Handles in Microsoft Word

Soft Return in Microsoft Word

Sort in Microsoft Word

Sort content in lists and tables in Microsoft Word

Sorts in Microsoft Word

Spacing in Microsoft Word

special characters in Microsoft Word

Spelling and grammar in Microsoft Word

Spelling And Grammar Dialog Box in Microsoft Word

Spelling And Grammar Options in Microsoft Word

Standard Toolbar in Microsoft Word

Start Button in Microsoft Word

Status Bar in Microsoft Word

Status Box in Microsoft Word

Style Gallery in Microsoft Word

Styles in Microsoft Word

Subfolder in Microsoft Word

Suppress Line Numbers in Microsoft Word

Symbol Font in Microsoft Word

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Tab in Microsoft Word

Tab Stop Selector in Microsoft Word

Table in Microsoft Word

Table AutoFormat in Microsoft Word

Table Columns in Microsoft Word

Table of contents in Microsoft Word

tables in Microsoft Word

Tables And Borders Toolbar in Microsoft Word

Tabs in Microsoft Word

Taskbar in Microsoft Word

Template in Microsoft Word

Templates in Microsoft Word

Text Boundaries in Microsoft Word

Text Flow Card in Microsoft Word

Text Or Property Box in Microsoft Word

Text Wrapping in Microsoft Word

Times New Roman in Microsoft Word

TipWizard in Microsoft Word

Title in Microsoft Word

Title Bar in Microsoft Word

Tool in Microsoft Word

Toolbar in Microsoft Word

ToolTip in Microsoft Word

Trace in Microsoft Word

Triple-click in Microsoft Word

Triple-click Selections in Microsoft Word

TrueType Font in Microsoft Word

Truncated in Microsoft Word

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Underline in Microsoft Word

Undo in Microsoft Word

Unlink in Microsoft Word

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Vertical alignment in Microsoft Word

Vertical ruler in Microsoft Word

View in Microsoft Word

View Buttons in Microsoft Word

View tab in Microsoft Word

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Watermark in Microsoft Word

Web Layout view in Microsoft Word

What’s This? in Microsoft Word

Widow/Orphan Control in Microsoft Word

Window Menu in Microsoft Word

Windows Clipboard in Microsoft Word

Wizard in Microsoft Word

Word count in Microsoft Word

Working Screen in Microsoft Word

Wrapping Text in Microsoft Word

Writing Style in Microsoft Word

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XML in Microsoft Word

XML Schema in Microsoft Word

XPS in Microsoft Word

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Y-Axis in Microsoft Word

Yearly calendar in Microsoft Word

Yellow highlighter in Microsoft Word

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Zero point in Microsoft Word

ZIP file in Microsoft Word

Zoom in Microsoft Word

Warehouse Management Glossary
Microsoft Excel Glossary

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