- Angularjs being a client-side language in JavaScript so it is the first one to process the request made by a client.
- The request then enters the Nodejs which is the phase 2 being it the server side language in JavaScript
- Then the request enters the phase 3 i.e. Expressjs which makes a request to the database.
- After these three phases, the data is retrieved and the response is returned to the Expressjs and this work is done by MongoDB.
- Then in the final step, the data is to be returned back to the AngularJS to display the result and this is done by NodeJS which in return takes the data back from the ExpressJS.
MEAN is a free and open-source JavaScript software stack for building dynamic websites and web applications. MEAN is very simple and easy to use for both back end and front end in other technologies there are different languages used for front and back end but in written in one language for both server-side and client-side execution. Working of MEAN Stack is explained below in the figure properly.
MEAN Stack Architecture Explanation
- When the client makes any request it is firstly processed by the AngularJS. AngularJS is a client-side language in JavaScript.
- After that, the Request enters in phase 2 which is NodeJS. NodeJS is a server side language in JavaScript.
- After that Request enters in phase 3 which is ExpressJs it makes the request to the database.
- After that MongoDB retrieve the data and return the response to the ExpressJs.
- Then ExpressJs return response to the NodeJS and then NodeJS return it to the AngularJS to display the result.