Market size of the Global Supply Chain Finance

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Market size of the Global Supply Chain Finance

Owing to the competitive nature of the GSCF market and the fact that business undertaken is protected by customer and bank confidentiality, sources of information regarding market size and players are controlled and not easily available in the public domain. Consequently, the indications on the market size are based mainly on estimates. The potential market for Supply Chain Finance for the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries is significant and is estimated at $1.3 trillionin annual traded volume. The market serving European supply chains is approximately $600 billion. Based on these figures, the potential Supply Chain Finance market size for the US is estimated to be approximately $600 billion in traded volume per annum. It is that currently there are 200 GSCF programs of scale in place. These programs are run both domestically as well a internationally and in multiple currencies. Still, the market potential is yet to be fully tapped.

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