Load Testing in SoapUI

Load Testing in SoapUI

Load Testing in SoapUI

Let us understand Load Testing in SoapUI. In SoapUI, LoadTests are based on existing functional TestCases. A LoadTest runs the TestCase repeatedly for the specified time with a desired number of threads. Moreover, LoadTests are shown in the Navigator as children to the TestCase they use. For example, on the image below, the Search and Buy TestCase has four LoadTests defined:

Load testing

You can create any number of LoadTests for your TestCase by using the New LoadTest command. You can find it in the context menu in the Navigator panel, or on the TestCase editor toolbar.

After you created a LoadTest, SoapUI will open its editor automatically. You can also open the editor any time by double-clicking a LoadTest in the Navigator.

This testing usually identifies –

  • Firstly, the maximum operating capacity of any application.
  • Secondly, determine if the current infrastructure is sufficient or not.
  • Subsequently, sustainability with respect to peak user load
  • Lastly, a number of concurrent users that can be easily supported.


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