Life after Transaction

Great agents know that their job isn’t over when the transaction closes. After you’ve achieved the sale, closed the deal, cashed the commission check, and spent the money, it’s time to start fortifying your client relationship. Sure you need to get on to the next income-producing activity. But, as you cultivate your next deal, don’t make the mistake of turning your back on the clients you just served.

In fact, your clients could need you more after their closing than at any previous point in your relationship for any of the following reasons:

After moving into their new home, the clients may have discovered repair issues that need attention. They may need the name of someone who can fix their roof, or they may want names of service providers that do quality work and are honest, trustworthy, and fair.

Your clients’ home purchase may have sparked their interest in building wealth through real estate investments. They may seek your advice about how to acquire and retain properties as a key step toward wealth creation.

Your clients may simply be interested in how the market around them is doing. When you call these clients to chat, you’re likely to get the question, “What’s happening in the marketplace?” Now that they’re homeowners, your clients are vested in the local real estate marketplace. Become their resource and you’ll be first in line when they’re ready to make the next physical or investment move.

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