Obligations of employers

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Obligations Of Employers

There are certain obligations of employers in relation to apprentice. Following are some of the obligations:

  • In accordance with the provisions of the Act, providing the apprentice with the training in his trade and the rules made thereunder;
  • A person having the prescribed qualifications. Shall be placed in charge. Of the training of the apprentice. On the behalf of the employer if s/he him or herself is not qualified in the trade;
  • For imparting practical and theoretical training and facilities for trade test of apprentices. There must be adequate instructional staff possessing the prescribed qualification;
  • Carrying out the obligations under apprenticeship’s contract.

Obligations of employers

Obligations of apprentices

There are certain obligations every trade apprentice undergoing apprenticeship training shall possess. Some of the obligations are as follows:

  • Before the expiry of the period of training, s/he must conscientiously and diligently to learn the trade. Thus, shall endeavour to qualify him/herself as a skilled craftsman/woman;
  • Attending the regular practical and instructional classes;
  • Carrying out all lawful orders of his employer and the senior/superiors in the establishment or factory; and
  • Under the contract of apprenticeship to carry out her/his obligations.

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Obligations of apprentices
Contract of apprenticeship

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