Fixing Hours For A Normal Working Day

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Fixing Hours For A Normal Working Day

The Factory Act, 1948 has made the life of employees easy to some extent. It deals with each and every factor included in the rules and regulations of factories. Therefore, the higher authorities have the sole power under the act to protect the workers from exploitation at work. It has fixed the minimum wages for the employee under the section 11 of Wages Act. Also, the number of working hours plays a major role in the employment sector. As fixing the minimum wages without considering the fixed hours would not achieve the purpose. Therefore fixing hours for a normal working day is mandatory.

Fixing Hours For A Normal Working Day (Section 13)

Therefore, under section 13 of the Act, the appropriate Government fixes the following:

  • There must be fix work which will constitute a normal working day. Including the specific intervals.
  • Providing a rest day during the period of a week to all the employees. Also, if not possible then payment of remuneration shall be made in respect of rest day.
  • Providing the workers with payment of the rest day, not less than the overtime rate.
  • The unpreventable work an employee does or must be having an engagement in an urgent work.
  • Employees engagement in a work which is complementary in nature, thus, it shall be carried on or outside the limits laid down by the factory rules, for the general working in the employment.
  • The employees with essentially intermittent employment (declared by the appropriate Government).
  • Employees’ engagement in a work, and for a technical reason he has to complete it before the duty hours.
  • Employees’ engagement in a work which cannot be carried on except at times dependent on the action of irregular forces.


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Payment Of Overtime

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