Employees’ State Insurance Scheme

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Employees’ State Insurance Scheme

Under section 2 of the Act, lays down that every factory or the establishment to which the act is applicable must register within such time and such manner. As per the regulations specified and made in the Act’s behalf. Therefore employees’ state insurance scheme launched.

Employees’ State Insurance

Employees’ State Insurance

Section 38 of the Act makes compulsory that subject to the provisions of the Act all the employees in factories or establishments to which this Act applies shall be insured in the manner provided by this Act. Such insured persons shall pay contributions towards Insurance Fund through their employers who will also pay their own contribution. Also, such insured persons are entitled to get certain benefits from that fund which shall be administered by the Corporation. Any dispute will be settled by the Employees’ Insurance Court.

Employees’ state insurance scheme’s administration:

For administering the Scheme of Employees’ State insurance, in accordance with the Act. Hence, there has been ESI corporation standing committee and medical benefit council have been constituted. Further, ESI Fund has been created which is held and administered by ESI Corporation. Through its executive committee called Standing Committee with the assistance, advice and expertise of Medical Council, etc. Also, Regional and Local Boards and Committees.

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