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Govt. Certified Advertising Manager
Visualization is the process of forming a mental image, picture or representation of an object or idea, whole layout is the physical arrangement of the elements in an ad, i.e., presentation of the mental idea.
- Balance: It is defined as a matter of weight distribution, related to optical centre of an ad. The optical centre is the point which the eye designates as the centre of an area.
- Proportion: Related to balance but is concerned primarily with the decision of the space and the emphasis needed to be accorded to each element.
- Movement: Eyes follow a particular movement. While designing, the designer must take care of the elements of movement in a deliberate manner.
- Unity: Unification of the layout is what is meant by term unity. All the elements in the ad must be united to be a composite whole.
- Mood: colours and sizes etc determine the mood of the ad.
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