IP Address and Interfaces Configuring

IP Address and Interfaces Configuring

To configure IP addresses and interfaces on a Cisco switch, you can use the following commands:

enable: This command enables privileged EXEC mode, which allows you to execute privileged commands on the switch.

configure terminal: This command enters global configuration mode, which allows you to configure global parameters for the switch.

interface interface-type interface-number: This command enters interface configuration mode for the specified interface. For example, to configure interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1, you would enter the command interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1.

ip address ip-address subnet-mask: This command configures the IP address and subnet mask for the interface. For example, to configure an IP address of with a subnet mask of on interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1, you would enter the command ip address

no shutdown: This command activates the interface and allows it to transmit and receive data.

exit: This command exits interface configuration mode.

show ip interface brief: This command displays the IP addresses and status of all interfaces on the switch.

Here is an example configuration of interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 with an IP address of and a subnet mask of


configure terminal

interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

ip address

no shutdown


show ip interface brief

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