Introduction to Define Phase

In define phase of a Six Sigma DMAIC project, the project leaders are responsible for clarifying the purpose and scope of the project or the process to be improved and for knowing the quality expectations of the customer. This phase also involves establishing realistic estimates for timeline and costs thus, ensuring stakeholders and project team on the same page about project’s implementation, evaluation, progress and success.

Project need to be assessed for suitability for DMAIC and it involves answering the following questions

  1. Is data available or easy to obtain?
  2. Does leadership support exist for improving this process?
  3. Is DMAIC really needed or is this a “just do it”: a problem with a known solution that should just be implemented?
  4. Is the team trying to boil the ocean or is the scope reasonable for chartering as a DMAIC project?
  5. Is the process directly related to a key outcome such as profitability, customer satisfaction, or employee satisfaction?

The define phase achieves a number of purposes which includes assessing the current project against the strategic objectives and ensuring it’s potential. The phase also results in identification of the project scope, objectives, sponsors, schedule, deliverables and team members along with team formation. Before initiating, availability of resources is paramount.

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
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