Creativity is one of the main attributes that distinguishes man from other life forms and makes him the dominant species on the planet. It is a part of the human psyche that has been practiced and developed for over a millennia. The desire to leave an indelible mark on our surroundings combined with the need to make our environment better and more comfortable can be seen in how we organize the places that we inhabit and the aesthetic that we create for them.
The earliest evidence dates back to prehistoric times when early humans started to settle and built homes in the forms of caves, grottos, etc. Although the main need consisted of use and necessity, but the inscriptions, symbols and paintings found on the walls reveal a primal instinct and is also an indicator of our superior intelligence. This legacy was then carried forward by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and the Romans. The Egyptians were known for their mural paintings which aptly depicted their beliefs, history and way of life. Their system of interior designs for their religions and beliefs can still be seen in today’s society. On the contrary the Romans and Greeks designed structures to suit their tastes in architectural style. The Greeks especially preferred massive pillared buildings and often used beautiful paintings and vases to decorate their homes.
The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries witnessed a remarkable transformation, increased prosperity resulted in an increase in demand for more comfortable and elegant homes. Sophisticated architects and skilled craftsmen were employed to produce and achieve ambitious designs. Distinctive design styles emerged in Europe, particularly Gothic architecture during the Italian Renaissance. Here too the focus was on religious carvings, tapestries and murals spread over ceilings and walls. By the nineteenth century the development of print media and the industrial revolution helped in the spreading of various decorative art forms. Fashion magazines and prints introduced this art form to the general public leading to the amalgamation of various art forms stretching over the length and breadth of the globe giving interior designing its present day outlook and personality.

(Pre historic cave art)

(Egyptian wall murals)

(Frescoes at Ajanta caves)

(Gothic architecture- Westminster Abbey )

(Renaissance art: St. Peter’s Basilica)

(Present day Interior designing)
Need for professional Interior decorators or designers
The interior design is so much more than ‘what looks right?’. It is about taking a holistic view of the way that individuals use and enjoy the spaces that they inhabit. It is about finding and creating a coherent answer to a set of problems and dressing the solution so as to unify and strengthen our experience of the space. A good interior design adds a new dimension to a space, it can increase our efficiency and adds depth, understanding and meaning to the built environment. Hence, keeping the aforesaid points into consideration, we can effectively conclude that to achieve the optimum interior design it is imperative to employ a professional to handle the nuances of design that any amateur cannot.
Interior design describes a group of various yet related projects that involve turning an interior space into an “effective setting for the range of human activities” that are to take place there. An interior designer is someone who coordinates and manages such projects. Interior design is a multifaceted profession that includes conceptual development, communicating with the stakeholders of a project and the management and execution of the design. The professional interior designer is qualified by education, experience, and examination to enhance the function and quality of interior spaces for the purpose of improving the quality of life, increasing productivity, and protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
Distinction between Interior architecture, interior design and interior decoration
These terms are often used interchangeably and some confusions do exist pertaining to these. What is the distinction between these professions?
Architects use planes (walls, floors and ceilings) to define the volumes (spaces) that combine to make up a building. They are trained to design structures from scratch, taking the intellectual and practical considerations into account.
Interior decorators generally work with existing spaces that do not require physical alteration. Through the use of colour, light and surface finish, they can transform the look of the space with very little changes in the structure of the building.
Interior designers usually lie between interior architects and interior decorators. The scope of their functions varies from purely decorative ones to ones where a great deal of structural change is required. An interior designer handles space planning and creation of decorative schemes along with the major structural changes.