Set up a daily time and place for prospecting – invest in a good phone and hands free kit and keep a time fixed in your day
Fight off distractions like inbound phone call, emails, a colleague that wants to chat – anything that takes you away from your goal of prospecting in that stipulated time. To fight off distractions, it is a good idea to turn off your cell phone, asking the receptionist to take inbound calls, don’t give appointment during the period you have slated for prospecting
Follow the plan – Do research, establish your plan and set up each day’s prospecting plan a day in advance. Assemble everything you will need for the calls and put the information on your desk so it’s ready for your attention as soon as you walk in the door. Spend 20 minutes before each prospecting session practicing scripts, dialogues, and objection handling techniques.
Be disciplined and finish what you have started – if your target was to call up 10 contacts, make sure you have called up 10 contacts.