Important Definitions

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Important Definitions

There are certain important definitions under the Act.


This means a halt in work by a body of persons employed in any respective industry acting in combination or refusal. Any number of persons who are or have been so employed to continue to work or to accept employment, under a common understanding of. Hence, the strike is a weapon of collective bargaining in the armour of workers.Important Definitions


This means any person employed in any respective industry to do any manual, technical unskilled, operational, clerical, skilled, or supervisory work.  Whether the terms of employment be expressed or implied, for hiring or rewarding, and for the purposes of any proceeding. Under this Act in relation to an industrial dispute.

Industrial Dispute

This means any dispute or difference between employers and employers. Also, between workmen and workmen or between employers and workmen. Thus, this is in connection with the employment or non-employment. Or the terms of employment or with the conditions of labour, of any person.


An Industry means any business, calling of employers, trade, undertaking, or manufacturing. Also, it involves any handicraft, employment, or industrial occupation calling service, or workmen’s avocation.

Therefore, The Supreme Court of the term industry carried out an in-depth study of the definition in a comprehensive manner.

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