Important Definitions

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Important Definitions

To understand better the meanings of different provisions and sections. It is mandatory to know the meaning of important definitions and expressions.

  • The Appropriate Government:

It means those belonging to or under the Central Government’s control. Also, it can be from in relation to an establishment in connection with a railway company, a major port, oil field, mine, or in relation to an establishment having branches and department in multiple states.

  • Contribution:

It means a payable contribution in respect of the member under a scheme. Also in payable contribution in respect of an employee under the insurance scheme.

Important Definitions

  • Basic wages:

The entire emolument earned by an employee is termed as ‘Basic Wages,’ while on duty or on leave/holiday. The earned wages payable either in cash or in kind.

  • Employer:

The owner or occupier of a factory or an establishment is called an Employer, or a person who is authorized or has the ultimate control over the establishment’s affair.

  • Employee:

Any person employed for wages in cash or in kind in return of work. also, the work can be manual or in an establishment’s connection with work.

  • Factory:

It means any premises where a manufacturing process is being carried on, with the aid of power or without it is called a factory.

  • Fund:

It means the establishment of the provident fund under the scheme.

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