
The first step in implementing Lean Visual Management is the determination and measurement of appropriate team-specific performance measures so that the team can determine their baseline for improvement.

Once suitable performance measures have been determined, teams can begin to develop their individual Visual Displays. This development will focus on the agreement of the information that best informs the team and which will enable performance improvement activity.

When teams have their Visual Displays in place, they can begin to hold regular Stand-up Meetings. Teams will soon become familiar with Stand-up Meetings and their use will start to become second nature.

As the use of Stand-up Meetings matures, teams will find that they are spending less and less time reporting individual progress updates and more time focusing on performance measures and improvement activity – due to the increased efficiency of meetings over time.

When teams reach a position where performance measures and improvement activity are a part of their daily routine they need to ensure Stand-Meetings and Visual Displays are maintained and that performance improvement continues – teams should periodically review team performance against the original baseline for improvement to see what has been achieved to date.

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