Need for Training– Every organization big or small, productive or non-productive, economic or social, old or newly established should provide training to all employees irrespective of their qualification, skill, suitability for the job etc. Thus, no organization can choose whether or not to train employees.
Training is not something that is done once to new employees; it is used continuously in every well run establishment. Further, technological changes, automation, require up-dating the skills and knowledge. As such an organization has to retrain the old employees.
Specifically, the need for training arises due to the following reasons:
- To Match the Employee Specifications with the Job Requirements and Organizational Needs: An employee’s specification may not exactly suit to the requirements of the job and the organization irrespective of his past experience, qualifications, skills, knowledge etc. Thus, every management finds deviations between employee’s present specifications and the job requirements and organizational needs. Training is needed to fill these gaps by developing and moldings the employee’s skill, knowledge, attitude, behavior etc. to the tune of the job requirements and organizational needs.
- Organizational Viability and the Transformation Process: The primary goal of most of the organizations is their viability is continuously influenced by environmental pressure. If the organization does not adapt itself to the changing factors in the environment, it will lose its market share. If the organization desires to adapt these changes, first it has to train the employees to impart specific skills and knowledge in order to enable them to contribute to the organizational efficiency and to cope with the changing environment. In addition, it provides continuity to the organization process and development. The productivity of the organization can be improved by developing the efficiency of transformation process which in turn depends on enhancement of the existing level of skills and knowledge of the employees. The achievement of these objectives mostly depends on the effectiveness of the human resources that the organization possesses Employee effectiveness can be secured by proper training.
- Technological Advances: Every organization in order to survive and to be effective should adopt the latest technology, i.e., mechanization, computerization and automation. Adoption of latest technological means and methods will not be complete until they are manned by employees possessing skill to operate them. So, organization should train the employees to enrich them in the areas of changing technical skills and knowledge from time to time.
- Organizational Complexity: With the emergence of increased mechanization and automation, manufacturing of multiple products and by- 14 products or dealing in services of diversified lines, extension of operations to various regions of the country or in overseas countries, organization of most of the companies has become complex. This leads to growth in number and kind of employees and layers in organization hierarchy. This creates the complex problems of co-ordination and integration of activities adaptable for and adaptable to the expanding and diversifying situations. This situation calls for training in the skills of co-ordination, integration and adaptability to the requirements of growth, diversification and expansion. Companies constantly search for opportunities to improve organizational effectiveness. Training is responsible for much of the planned change and effectiveness in an organization as it prepares the people to be the change agents and to implement the programmed of effectiveness. Thus, training solves the problems of organizational complexity.
- Human Relations: Trends in approach towards personnel management has changed from the commodity approach to partnership approach, crossing the human relations approach, So today, management of most of the organizations has to maintain human relations besides maintaining sound industrial relations although hitherto the managers are not accustomed to deal with the workers accordingly. So training in human relations is necessary to deal with human problems (including alienation, inter- personal and inter-group conflicts etc.) and to maintain human relations.
Change in the Job Assignment: Training is also necessary when the existing employee is promoted to a higher level in the organization and when there is some new job or occupation due to transfer. Training is also necessary to equip the old employees with the advanced disciplines, techniques, or technology.