Benefits of Training– Let us discuss some benefits of training here.
Benefits to the Organization
- Leads to improved profitability and/or more positive attitudes toward profits orientation
- Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization
- Improves the morale of the workforce
- Helps people identify with organizational goals
- Helps create a better corporate image
- Fasters authenticity, openness and trust
- Improves the relationship between boss and subordinate
- Aids in organizational development
- Learns from the trainee
- Helps prepare guidelines for work
- Aids in understanding and carrying out organizational policies
- Provides information for future needs in all areas of the organization
- Organization gets more effective decision-making and problem solving
- Aids in development for promotion from within
- Aids in developing leadership skill, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually display
- Aids in increasing productivity and/or quality of work.
- Helps keep costs down in many areas, e.g., production, personnel, administration, etc.
- Develops a sense of responsibility to the organization for being competent and knowledgeable.
- Improves labour-management relations
- Reduces outside consulting costs by utilizing competent internal consulting. Stimulates preventive management as opposed to putting out fires.
- Eliminates sub-optimal behavior (such as hiding tools)
- Creates an appropriate climate for growth, communication
- Aids in improving organizational communication
- Helps employees adjust to change
- Aids in handling conflict, thereby helping to prevent stress and tension
Benefits of Training- Benefits to the Individual Which in Turn Ultimately Should Benefit the Organization.
- Helps the individual in making better decisions and effective problem solving
- Through training and development, motivational variables of recognition, achievement, growth, responsibility and advancement are internalized and operationalised
- Aids in encouraging and achieving self-development and self-confidence Helps a person handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict
- Provides information for improving leadership knowledge, communication skills and attitudes
- Increases job satisfaction and recognition
- Moves a person toward personal goals while improving interactive skills. Satisfies, personal needs of the trainer (and trainee)
- Provides the trainee an avenue for growth and a say in his/ her own future. Develops a sense of growth in learning
- Helps a person develop speaking and listening skills; also writing skills when exercises are required.
Benefits in Personnel and Human Relations, Intra and Intergroup Relations and Policy Implementation.
- Improves communication between groups and individuals
- Aids in orientation for new employees and those taking new jobs through transfer or promotion
- Provides information on equal opportunity and affirmative action
- Provides information on other government laws and
- Administrative policies. Improves interpersonal skills
- Makes organization policies, rules and regulations viable
- Improves morale
- Builds cohesiveness in groups
- Provides a good climate for learning, growth, and co-ordination
- Makes the organization a better place to work and live.