Theory and Relevance in L&D

Theory and Relevance in L&D

The learning and development research has strong theoretical base ground. Theory and relevance in L&D require building endeavor in itself. Theory building describes-  as the purposeful process of generating and verifying coherent descriptions, representations, and explanations of the observing or experiencing phenomenon resulting in – Process knowledge. Thus increases understanding of how something works and outcome knowledge in the form of explanative and predictive knowledge.

The management field of L&D is said to be theoretical when it covers and draws upon a set of conceptually coherent explanations for the real world’s phenomenal predictions. Hence, the goal-setting theory may be used as a means by which the effectiveness or otherwise of objective-setting in L&D may be described and explained.


Theory and Relevance in L&D

Main theoretical schools that will be the foundation of thinking:

  • Behaviorist theory – It is concerned with the behavioral change and has a historical significance.
  • Cognitive information processing theory – It is concerned with the internal metal learning process.
  • Social learning theory – It is concerned with the human model and reciprocation with the environment
  • Situated learning – It is concerned with the significance in learning of shared sets of assumptions. Also, the norms and language and role of participation in practice.
  • Cognitive constructivism – It is concerned with the schema change.

Thus, there are learning episodes in any workplace that are without planning, unpredictable and even unintentionally hazardous. Also, these can lead to creative breakthroughs which may ultimately translate into the invention of new products and processes and their eventual commercial exploitation as an innovation. Therefore, L&D needs a comprehensive and coherent theoretical base; the above experiential approaches interprets as the natural reflective skills of adults.

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