Employee Induction

Employee Induction

Employee Induction– The purpose of an induction procedure is to assist a new employee in the “settling down ” process. Starting a new job is a stressful experience, due to new situations and demands plus fears of looking silly. During the settling – in period, a new employee is unlikely to be effective or fully productive and may even leave if the feelings of unease are strong enough.

It is therefore worth spending time on effective induction, as real cost savings can be made on avoidance of accidents caused through unfamiliarity, rapid achievement of full productivity and avoidance of costs incurred in unnecessary recruitment to replace lost employees.

Inducting Successfully

  • To achieve successful induction, a systematic plan should be followed. This is to enable records to be kept and thus ensure that information is not missed out. A check list of points to be included in induction is attached.
  • Although induction is of vital importance to new employees, anyone who is promoted or transferred from one job to another should also be inducted.
  • In general, the aim of induction should be to convey a clear picture of the working of the organisation.

The Personnel Department

The Personnel Department will be the first calling place for new employees. The following points should be covered:

  • A warm welcome to the Company. The Company and employing Department management structure will be outlined and a brief description of the Company given.
  • Employee Qualifications/ Training /Professional Registration details (as appropriate.) will be confirmed and copies taken for personnel files.
  • The importance of maintaining appropriate professional registration if required will be emphasised and attention drawn to the contractual requirement to do so.
  • The need for confidentiality regarding the Company will be highlighted.
  • Pay scales and allowances, method of payment, holiday entitlements, hours of work, pension scheme and trade union arrangements will be explained in detail.
  • All relevant employment details will be timely forwarded to the Payroll Section.
  • Information will be given on the Absence policy and procedure, including method of reporting absence.
  • The Discipline and Grievance procedures will be fully explained and written copies of these supplied.
  • The Company Smoking policy will be detailed, including availability of assistance in stopping smoking.
  • Brief tour of building, including canteen facilities and introductions where appropriate.
  • Occupational Health assessment carried out, with action taken as necessary.
  • Ensure the new employee does not currently require any further information.
  • Confirm induction details and complete induction form.
  • Arrange escort to working location.

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