Purpose of Evaluation

Purpose of Evaluation

The purpose of evaluation of learning and development is to assess the objectives of the learning and development has been met. There are several other factors it involves – the assessment of usage of resources, the value for money, continuous development of the employees’. The organization makes the decision after analyzing the listed factors, where exactly the focus is required.

Although, the decision of evaluation also depends on the size of the organization. Also, if the expertise to evaluate the learning and development at the workplace is available plays a vital role. The primary purpose of this evaluation is to identify the strength and weakness in the areas of development.

The evaluation process also reviews issues related to diversity. Because the major challenge of the learning and development culture at work is to meet the diverse needs of the diverse groups. You can learn more about this with the VskillsPurpose of Evaluation

Where it leads to:

The evaluation of learning and development highlights different levels of information. Every level has got its own importance from improving the employees’ capability to improving the quality of delivery of the programme. Thus it covers every level involved in the learning program.

Factors it covers:

  • Meet all the external and internal requirements.
  • It targets the assessment of objectives.
  • Ensures the accountability and assesses the risk factors.
  • Helps in identifying the strengths and weaknesses.
  • It also ensures that it delivers the quality or not.
  • Deliver the decisions to continue or not this program by analyzing the result’s quality.

Overall the purpose of the evaluation of learning and development is to ensure the quality the learning culture is delivering. Also, it makes sure that it covers all the lacking factors.

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Importance of Evaluating L&D Activities
APS Model for Evaluating L&D

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