Publicizing the Policy

Publicizing the Policy

Publicizing the Policy- As per dictionary, the word publicizes means to give publicity to or draw public attention.

It is important that all staff, including contractors and casual workers, know about and understand your policies and where to find them. You may need to translate them into other languages or distribute them in ways that make it easy for everyone to access.

If your business is a shop or service, your customers also need to know about your policies.

Your policies can be officially endorsed by you and launched at a staff meeting. Emphasize that everyone is required to comply. Here are some ways to promote your policies in and outside your business:

  • publish them on your website or intranet
  • produce brochures for staff and customers
  • periodically attach copies to pay slips or email them to staff
  • display them on notice boards
  • include them in company manuals, business plans and performance appraisals
  • discuss them at staff meetings
  • give them to new staff and get an acknowledgement signature
  • make someone responsible for updating and circulating your policies regularly.

Publicizing the Policy- Also, publicize the policy in English, Hindi and other local languages widely, especially through notice boards and distribution of pamphlets. The names and phone numbers of members of the Committee should also be publicized in English, Hindi and other local languages.

Display Posters

The law mandates to display posters in the lobby, in the reception

The poster should be stating that the organization has zero tolerance to sexual harassment and anyone can reach out if they are facing the harassment. Poster must also include the contact number, the place or the person they can reach out to.

It is essential that the poster or posters are placed in the reception area such that any employee or any person, even the courier person, who walks into the organization, knows how to protect themselves and knows where to put in the complaints.

Awareness Sessions

The law states that it is the duty of the employer to organize workshops and awareness programs at regular intervals for sensitizing the employees with the provisions of the Act. The frequency of these sessions is not specified and depends on the organization to determine. It would depend on the culture they want to set and the message they want to communicate to the employees. Generally, the awareness sessions can be conducted at the time of the induction and probably recap every year. The organization can also get the CEO to address the employees on the topic.

To add on to this, the organization can also promote anonymous complaints to ensure that no sensitive case gets missed and preventive measures are taken, providing a safe workplace.

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