Principles of Training

Principles of Training

Training at the workplace is a way to improve the performance of the employees’. In other words, it’s a development programme for the employees for their and the organization’s betterment. It is a combination of specific activities that lead to the skilled behavior. There are different principles of training. Therefore, different pieces of training are there and the two main divisions are physical and mental training.

Training at the workplace

This actually refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and the competency skills. Therefore there is a strong need for teaching the vocational skills, job-related information, concepts, etc. The main aim of the on-the-job training is to focus on the current job needs of the employee and not the future jobs. It leads to more productivity, improved performance, proactive nature of the employees, etc.

Principles of Training

Principles of Training

Training at the workplace is a way to improve the performance of the employees’.

In other words, it’s a development programme for the employees for their and the organization’s betterment. It is a combination of specific activities that lead to the skilled behavior. There are different types of training and the two main divisions are physical and mental training.


Training at the workplace

This actually refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and the competency skills. Therefore there is a strong need for teaching the vocational skills, job-related information, concepts, etc. The main aim of the on-the-job training is to focus on the current job needs of the employee and not the future jobs.


The principles of training
  • Providing effective learning experience to the employees and better physical action.
  • The realistic approach should be the main aim of any training.
  • The convenience of the learners should be the priority.
  • There must be a combination of training methods and the activities.
  • The objectives should be set as per the needs of the organization and also the employees’.
  • The duration and the sessions should always be flexible in any training. Hence this helps in the better engagement of the learners.
  • The convenience of the learners should be focused for a better training session.


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