![Preventive Measures of Sexual Harassment](https://www.vskills.in/certification/tutorial/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Evolving-Phenomenon-of-Sexual-Harassment-and-its-Forms-4-1.png)
Preventive Measures of Sexual Harassment– Section 3 deals with the Preventive Measures of Sexual Harassment. Every employer, regardless of size, must take all reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace to avoid liability. This means that employers must actively implement precautionary measures to minimize the risk of sexual harassment occurring and to respond appropriately when harassment does occur.
The damage caused by sexual harassment is manifold. It can seriously affect:
- The health and wellness of the victimized employee
- Workplace morale and productivity
- Company reputation and brand
- Recruitment
- Your bottom line
Create a procedure by which employees can express their concerns confidentially, without having to involve the alleged harasser in the chain of reporting. Treat every concern seriously and don’t brush off rumors without giving them the attention they deserve. Additionally, let employees know that they are free to seek external remedies (with the police, courts, or EEOC) in addition to your internal procedures.
Subsection (1) stipulates that a woman shall not be subjected to Sexual Harassment at any workplace.
Subsection (2) provides for the following circumstances among other circumstances that may amount to Sexual Harassment:
- Implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in her employment or
- The implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in her employment or
- The implied or explicit threat about her present or future employment status or
- Interference with her work or creating an intimidating or offensive or hostile work environment for her or
- Humiliating treatment is likely to affect her health or safety.