Policy Checklist

Policy Checklist

Policy Checklist: Checklist and abridged pointers for drafting an effective sexual harassment prevention policy are listed:

Scope defined
  • Employees including part-time and contract employees, interns, trainees, retainers, consultants working on-site.
  • Third-party complaint covered?
  • Harassment that occurred outside the office premises while on assignment has been covered?
  • Harassment of employees by third parties covered?
Definition of sexual harassment
  • Is it in compliance with the provisions of the Act?
  • Quid-pro-quo harassment covered?
  • Hostile environment covered?
  • Examples given?
  • Non-covered activities mentioned?
Internal Complaints Committee
  • Minimum 3 internal members, 1 outside member
  • Presiding officer and at least half of the members to be women
  • Selection of members
  • Term of members cannot be more than 3 years
  • Removal of members
  • Powers of ICC
  • Removal procedure – as per Act
  • Meetings of ICC members
Complaint mechanism
  • Written submission mandatory
  • Whom to approach?
  • Complaint must be filed within 3 months, and max 6 months under special circumstances
  • Complaint in case of mental or physical incapacity
Inquiry mechanism
  • Settlement process
  • Approaching police within 7 days once a prima facie case has been made
  • Following principles of natural justice
  • Enquiry to be complete within 90 days
  • Inquiry mechanism as per the Act or the applicable service rules?
Disciplinary action
  • Punishments
  • Recommendation of ICC to be forwarded to management
  • Punishment for false and malicious complaint
  • Annual reports to District officer
  • Sexual harassment related information should be mentioned in the annual report of the organisation
Preventive actions
  • Awareness and sensitization workshops
  • Policy to be put on notice board
  • Policy to be made part of the employment agreement and signed by the employees
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