Learning Transfer

Learning Transfer      

Learning culture in the workplace is a must for the desired growth. While don’t expect a significant change in the job performance with just the implementation of the learning programme. Thus, the purpose of learning and development is to enhance the knowledge and develop new skills. This leads to better organizational performance with improvement in the employees’ skills and knowledge. Learning transfer means to transfer what is learned into the skills to apply for the end goals of the organization.

Therefore this can be defined as the ability of the learner to apply successfully the skills acquired, knowledge and the behavior with resultant improved performance in the job. Wikipedia

Learning Transfer

The trainers have done a lot of work to design a perfect learning programme.

Before the training –

  • The trainer identifies the business outcomes and learning goals of the organization.
  • Designs the training to support learning transfer and that includes – discussions, the reviews on the content, the activities to practice, etc.

During training

  • Makes the training relevant for the learners, also employs tactics for a better engagement in the learning.
  • Provides time for practice which follows with an immediate feedback.
  • Using the methods to make the learning more memorable for the trainee.

After training

  • Provides with the performance support and job aids.
  • Creates an environment allowing the practice time for the newly learned skills.
  • Engages the senior managers in the evaluation process, feedback and also the training.
  • Provides refreshing summary material for enhancing the learned skills.

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