Kirkpatrick Model

The Kirkpatrick Model

This four-level training evolution model known as The Kirkpatrick Model is about measuring the effectiveness creating learning culture at work. It’s got created because no-one wants to spend his time and money on something which doesn’t provide a good return. This is where the Kirkpatrick model happens to be useful at. It thoroughly analyzes the impact of the learning and training at work. Therefore, it helps in improving the lacking skills and results.

The Kirkpatrick Model

There are four levels of this model

  • Reaction: This deals with the reaction of the trainee. The trainer wants to know where exactly the training session leads the trainee. How valuable the training sessions been to the trainee. By analyzing the reaction of the trainee, this helps the trainer to find what important topics are lacking in the training.
  • Learning: this is the next level of the training. This helps the trainer to evaluate the increase in the knowledge of the trainee. This involves the specific learning objectives and set by the trainer. This can be measured in a number of ways based on the objectives. This involves the interest of the employee in changes to the knowledge, attitude, or skills.
  • Behavior: this requires favorable conditions, to evaluate how far your trainee went. The changes in the behavior of the trainee good or not tell the trainer how well the training is designed. It also states that just because there is no change in the behavior that doesn’t mean the trainee has learned nothing. Perhaps they haven’t got the chance to apply the gained knowledge or they didn’t feel the need to apply that.
  • Results: this totally involves the outcome of the training. By analyzing the final results of the learning the brought by the training.


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