Evaluation Post Training Tutorial | Train the Trainer

Evaluation Post Training

At the end of any training program, evaluation post training is necessary that should be based on the feedback of trainees. This evaluation will not only help you to learn about how well the trainees are receiving the programs, but it will also provide a valuable vision of your program’s efficiency. Since evaluation post training is an important part of designing the course, therefore, here are the five traits that you will require while creating a post training evaluation questionnaire for the feedback from the learners:


The comprehension aspect refers to the efficiency of the course delivery. This section in your feedback questionnaire asks questions about the way of delivering the content of the course. In addition to this, comprehension also comprises of the conciseness and transparency of the content.


Any kind of material that is related to the course such as trainee’s aids, slide presentation, or any interactive program, falls under this aspect. This is a critical module for e Learning courses. Hence, it tells you whether your interface, learning environments, and interactive program’s resources are appealingly or not.


Evaluation Post Training



No one wants to be a customer in their own learning; engagement of a trainee should be a upmost concern for any type of training. For face-to-face gatherings, engagement refers to the form of active learning methods like simulations, activities, and joint work. In e Learning training, these can be in the form of games, communicating tests, and diverging situations. For the post training evaluation questionnaire, you must ask the learners to rate the training based upon how appealing it is.


No post training evaluation questionnaire is complete without a section that questions about the recommendations for any required improvements. However, the most challenging part here is that most of the time trainers skip this section.


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Training Evaluation Techniques Tutorial | Train the Trainer

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