Developing Learning Plan

Developing Learning Plan

A learning plan is a way or a tool to manage the learning goals. As they relate to competency development and achieving work. The things required in developing learning plan are –

  • To identify the learning goal, the work objectives to be achieved.
  • Also, identify the learning experience required to develop that ability.
  • The last is to identify the support needed to develop and apply that ability.

The importance of it:

Being successful at work by achieving the work objectives and also increasing our learning always leads to success in our departments. It results in the improved performance and also a strong employee-employer relationship. Wikipedia

Developing Learning Plan

Developing the plan

  • Considering your learning needs before indulging the plan is important.
  • If you find yourself less development oriented, then you should rely on your manager’s suggestions.
  • List all the types of skills that interest you the most.
  • If you feel the need of learning some course then first find how the that is going to benefit you in achieving your targeted work goals.
  • Get into a discussion with your manager about your performance result and analyze where exactly you are lacking.

Time your learning

Learning a course or new skills require some amount of your time. Schedule your learning time in between the work hours by negotiating with your manager. Try to apply the learned skills at work while the learning process is still going. Utilize your free time in learning as much as you can. The biggest thing required is the self-discipline. Once you shape your learning plan, you’re all set to achieve the desired personal and professional goals.


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