Alignment of L&D with Business Strategy

Alignment of L&D with Business Strategy

Alignment of Learning and Development with business strategy means to influence the learning investment at work. It provides the team with the learning and development at work, leads to behavioral changes, proves to be profitable, team management, etc. It actually gives the employee a sense of ownership and makes him more responsible. Also, it motivates to focus on the organizational success along with teamwork. Individuals drive organizational growth through it and they learn the right set of required skills. Alignment of L&D with business strategy targets the learning outcomes while keeping in mind the facilitation of meaningful outcomes. It makes sure that the learning small but continuous. The skills of senior employees are very important for the company and if the addition of new competing skills can be added to their old skills can actually lead to a great result for the company and the employees.


Alignment of L&D with Business Strategy

The benefits of the alignment of L&D with business strategy-

  • Ways to measure L&D. If learning leads to the positive outcome for the company then the weaknesses that already exist must impact negatively on the growth and profitability of the company. While aligning the L&D with the business strategy the company should find useful ways to find measure the L&D. This can only happen if the learners can contribute to the strategic goals of learning and development.
  • Identifying the future challenges. A good learning programme accounts all the challenges lined in the organization’s goal box. Knowing the current position of the company helps in tackling the future goals aptly. The L&D programme needs to identify the future goals and Challenges Company needs to focus on.
  • Should increase employee engagement. Implementing L&D should have relevance to the individuals else it would be viewed as a waste of time. Therefore, targeting learning that is of a real use both to the individual and the organization increases the engagement. Hence, leading to a  long-term success.

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