Human Resources Management (HRM) Glossary

Important definitions and terminologies used in Human Resources Management or HRM


360-Degree Feedback in Human Resources (HRM)



Affirmative Action in Human Resources (HRM)

Agile Organization in Human Resources (HRM)

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) in Human Resources (HRM)

Arbitration in Human Resources (HRM)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Human Resources (HRM)

Attrition in Human Resources (HRM)

Availability Analysis in Human Resources (HRM)


Background Check in Human Resources (HRM)

Base Pay in Human Resources (HRM)

Behavioral-Based Interviewing in Human Resources (HRM)

Benchmarking in Human Resources (HRM)

Benefits in Human Resources (HRM)

Benefits Administration in Human Resources (HRM)

Blended Learning in Human Resources (HRM)

Bonus in Human Resources (HRM)

Broadbanding in Human Resources (HRM)

Buddy System in Human Resources (HRM)

Business Continuity Planning in Human Resources (HRM)


Calibration Session in Human Resources (HRM)

Candidate Experience in Human Resources (HRM)

Career Anchors in Human Resources (HRM)

Career Development in Human Resources (HRM)

Career Management in Human Resources (HRM)

Career Path in Human Resources (HRM)

Career Planning in Human Resources (HRM)

Career Plateau in Human Resources (HRM)

Career Stages in Human Resources (HRM)

Change Agent in Human Resources (HRM)

Change Management in Human Resources (HRM)

Change Readiness Assessment in Human Resources (HRM)

Coaching in Human Resources (HRM)

Co-employment in Human Resources (HRM)

Collective Bargaining in Human Resources (HRM)

Communication Plan in Human Resources (HRM)

Communities of practice in Human Resources (HRM)

Community development in Human Resources (HRM)

Compa-Ratio in Human Resources (HRM)

Compensable Factors in Human Resources (HRM)

Compensation and Benefits in Human Resources (HRM)

Compensation Philosophy in Human Resources (HRM)

Compensatory Time Off (Comp Time) in Human Resources (HRM)

Competencies in Human Resources (HRM)

Competency Mapping in Human Resources (HRM)

Compliance Management in Human Resources (HRM)

Compressed Workweek in Human Resources (HRM)

Constructive Discharge in Human Resources (HRM)

Contingent Worker in Human Resources (HRM)

Continuous Improvement in Human Resources (HRM)

Cost-Per-Hire in Human Resources (HRM)

Cross-cultural management in Human Resources (HRM)


Defined Benefit Plan in Human Resources (HRM)

Defined Contribution Plan in Human Resources (HRM)

Development in Human Resources (HRM)

Development Planning in Human Resources (HRM)

Direct Threat in Human Resources (HRM)

Discretionary Bonus in Human Resources (HRM)

Disparate Impact in Human Resources (HRM)

Diversity and Inclusion in Human Resources (HRM)

Dual Career Ladder/Track in Human Resources (HRM)

Due Diligence in Human Resources (HRM)


Education and Experience in Human Resources (HRM)

Education Cess and Higher Education Cess in Human Resources (HRM)

E-learning in Human Resources (HRM)

Emotional Intelligence in Human Resources (HRM)

Employee Empowerment in Human Resources (HRM)

Employee Engagement in Human Resources (HRM)

Employee Participation in Human Resources (HRM)

Employee Referral Program in Human Resources (HRM)

Employee State Insurance (ESI) in Human Resources (HRM)

Employee Value Proposition (EVP) in Human Resources (HRM)

Employee Wellness in Human Resources (HRM)

Employer Branding in Human Resources (HRM)

Employment Offer in Human Resources (HRM)

Environmental Scan in Human Resources (HRM)

Environmental Scanning in Human Resources (HRM)

Environmental stewardship in Human Resources (HRM)

Ergonomics in Human Resources (HRM)

Essential Job Functions in Human Resources (HRM)

Ethical business practices in Human Resources (HRM)

Exempt Position in Human Resources (HRM)

Exit Interview in Human Resources (HRM)

Expatriate in Human Resources (HRM)

Expatriation in Human Resources (HRM)

Explicit knowledge in Human Resources (HRM)

External Equity in Human Resources (HRM)

Extrinsic Reward in Human Resources (HRM)


Flextime in Human Resource Management (HRM)

Flexibility in Human Resources (HRM)

Flexible Work Arrangements in Human Resources (HRM)

Flexible-Benefits Plan in Human Resources (HRM)

Forecasting in Human Resources (HRM)

Furlough in Human Resources (HRM)


Gender Wage Gap in Human Resources (HRM)

Gender-Based Discrimination in Human Resources (HRM)

Gig Worker in Human Resources (HRM)

Glass Ceiling in Human Resources (HRM)

Globalization in Human Resources (HRM)

Goods and Services Tax (GST) in Human Resources (HRM)

Gratuity in Human Resources (HRM)

Grievance Procedure in Human Resources (HRM)


Halo/Horn Effect in Human Resources (HRM)

Harassment in Human Resources (HRM)

Health and safety at Workplace

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in Human Resources (HRM)

Horizontal Organization in Human Resources (HRM)

Hostile Work Environment in Human Resources (HRM)

HR Technology in Human Resources (HRM)

Human Capital in Human Resources (HRM)

Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in Human Resources (HRM)

Human Resource Management (HRM) in Human Resources (HRM)

Human Resource Management System (HRMS) in Human Resources (HRM)

Human Resource Planning in Human Resources (HRM)

Human rights in Human Resources (HRM)


Implicit Bias in Human Resources (HRM)

Imputed Income in Human Resources (HRM)

Incentive Pay in Human Resources (HRM)

Inclusion in Human Resources (HRM)

Income Tax in Human Resources (HRM)

Industrial Psychology in Human Resources (HRM)

Instructor-led Training in Human Resources (HRM)

Intellectual capital in Human Resources (HRM)

Intellectual Property in Human Resources (HRM)

Internal Equity in Human Resources (HRM)

International compensation in Human Resources (HRM)

International human resource planning in Human Resources (HRM)

International labor laws in Human Resources (HRM)

International labor market analysis in Human Resources (HRM)

International performance management in Human Resources (HRM)

International talent management in Human Resources (HRM)

Interpersonal Skills in Human Resources (HRM)

Interview in Human Resources (HRM)


Job Analysis in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Analysis Methods in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Classification in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Description in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Duties in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Enrichment in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Evaluation in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Evaluation Committee in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Location in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Posting in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Ranking in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Redesign in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Requirements in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Rotation in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Sharing in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Simplification in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Specifications in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Summary in Human Resources (HRM)

Job Title in Human Resources (HRM)


Key Employee in Human Resources (HRM)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Human Resources (HRM)

Knowledge audit in Human Resources (HRM)

Knowledge management system in Human Resources (HRM)

Knowledge mapping in Human Resources (HRM)

Knowledge sharing in Human Resources (HRM)

Knowledge transfer in Human Resources (HRM)

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs) in Human Resources (HRM)

Knowledge-based decision making in Human Resources (HRM)


Labor Force in Human Resources (HRM)

Labor Market Analysis in Human Resources (HRM)

Labor Relations Board in Human Resources (HRM)

Labor Union in Human Resources (HRM)

Labour Welfare Fund in Human Resources (HRM)

Language Requirements in Human Resources (HRM)

Layoff in Human Resources (HRM)

Leadership and Management Skills in Human Resources (HRM)

Leadership Development in Human Resources (HRM)

Learning and Development in Human Resources (HRM)

Learning Management System (LMS) in Human Resources (HRM)

Learning Objectives in Human Resources (HRM)

Licenses and Certifications in Human Resources (HRM)


Mandatory Benefits in Human Resources (HRM)

Market Data in Human Resources (HRM)

Market Pricing in Human Resources (HRM)

Matrix Organization in Human Resources (HRM)

Mediation in Human Resources (HRM)

Mentoring in Human Resources (HRM)

Mission Statement in Human Resources (HRM)


Needs Assessment in Human Resources (HRM)

Negligent Hiring in Human Resources (HRM)

Negligent Referral in Human Resources (HRM)

Negligent Retention in Human Resources (HRM)

Nepotism in Human Resources (HRM)

Networking in Human Resources (HRM)

New-Hire Reporting in Human Resources (HRM)

Noncompete Agreement in Human Resources (HRM)

Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) in Human Resources (HRM)

Nondiscretionary Bonus in Human Resources (HRM)

Nondiscrimination Testing in Human Resources (HRM)

Nonexempt Position in Human Resources (HRM)


Offer of Employment in Human Resources (HRM)

Onboarding in Human Resources (HRM)

Organizational Change in Human Resources (HRM)

Organizational Culture in Human Resources (HRM)

Organizational Design and Structure in Human Resources (HRM)

Orientation in Human Resources (HRM)


Pay Compression in Human Resources (HRM)

Pay Equity in Human Resources (HRM)

Pay Grade in Human Resources (HRM)

Pay Range in Human Resources (HRM)

Pay Structure in Human Resources (HRM)

Pay-for-Performance in Human Resources (HRM)

Payroll Management System in Human Resources (HRM)

Performance Appraisal in Human Resources (HRM)

Performance Appraisal Interview in Human Resources (HRM)

Performance Feedback in Human Resources (HRM)

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) in Human Resources (HRM)

Performance Management in Human Resources (HRM)

Performance Management System in Human Resources (HRM)

Performance Metrics in Human Resources (HRM)

Performance Rating Scale in Human Resources (HRM)

Performance Standards in Human Resources (HRM)

Performance Support in Human Resources (HRM)

Performance-Based Pay in Human Resources (HRM)

Phased Retirement in Human Resources (HRM)

Philanthropy in Human Resources (HRM)

Physical Requirements in Human Resources (HRM)

Point Factor in Human Resources (HRM)

Pre-Employment Assessment in Human Resources (HRM)

Professional Tax in Human Resources (HRM)

Progressive Discipline in Human Resources (HRM)

Project Management in Human Resources (HRM)

Protected Class in Human Resources (HRM)

Provident Fund (PF) in Human Resources (HRM)


Qualifying Life Event in Human Resources (HRM)

Quality Circle in Human Resources (HRM)

Quality of Work Life (QWL) in Human Resources (HRM)


Recruiting in Human Resources (HRM)

Recruitment in Human Resources (HRM)

Recruitment Metrics in Human Resources (HRM)

Red Circle Rate in Human Resources (HRM)

Reference Check in Human Resources (HRM)

Regular Rate in Human Resources (HRM)

Repatriation in Human Resources (HRM)

Reporting and Analytics in Human Resources (HRM)

Reporting Relationships in Human Resources (HRM)

Request for Proposal (RFP) in Human Resources (HRM)

Resistance Management in Human Resources (HRM)

Responsible supply chain management in Human Resources (HRM)

Resume/CV Screening in Human Resources (HRM)

Reverse Mentoring in Human Resources (HRM)

Risk Management in Human Resources (HRM)


Salary Range in Human Resources (HRM)

Salary Survey in Human Resources (HRM)

Salting in Human Resources (HRM)

Screening in Human Resources (HRM)

Second-Chance Hiring in Human Resources (HRM)

Selection in Human Resources (HRM)

Self-Evaluation in Human Resources (HRM)

Serious Health Condition in Human Resources (HRM)

Severance Package in Human Resources (HRM)

Sexual Orientation in Human Resources (HRM)

Situational Leadership in Human Resources (HRM)

Skill-Based Pay in Human Resources (HRM)

Skills Gap in Human Resources (HRM)

Soft Skills in Human Resources (HRM)

Sourcing in Human Resources (HRM)

Span of Control in Human Resources (HRM)

Stakeholder Engagement in Human Resources (HRM)

Stay Interview in Human Resources (HRM)

Strategic Planning in Human Resources (HRM)

Strikes and Lockouts in Human Resources (HRM)

Structured Interview in Human Resources (HRM)

Succession Planning in Human Resources (HRM)

Sustainability in Human Resources (HRM)


Tacit knowledge in Human Resources (HRM)

Talent Acquisition in Human Resources (HRM)

Talent Management in Human Resources (HRM)

Talent Pipeline in Human Resources (HRM)

Talent Pool in Human Resources (HRM)

Team-Based Work in Human Resources (HRM)

Technical Knowledge in Human Resources (HRM)

Technical Skills in Human Resources (HRM)

Telecommuting in Human Resources (HRM)

The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 in Human Resources (HRM)

The Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 in Human Resources (HRM)

The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 in Human Resources (HRM)

The Factories Act, 1948 in Human Resources (HRM)

The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 in Human Resources (HRM)

The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 in Human Resources (HRM)

Minimum Wages in Human Resources Management (HRM)

The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 in Human Resources (HRM)

The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 in Human Resources (HRM)

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013 in Human Resources (HRM)

Time and Attendance Tracking in Human Resources (HRM)

Time-to-Fill in Human Resources (HRM)

Time-to-Hire in Human Resources (HRM)

Total Compensation in Human Resources (HRM)

Total Rewards in Human Resources (HRM)

Training in Human Resources (HRM)

Training and Development in Human Resources (HRM)

Training Delivery Methods in Human Resources (HRM)

Training Evaluation in Human Resources (HRM)

Training Needs Analysis in Human Resources (HRM)

Training Needs Assessment in Human Resources (HRM)

Transgender in Human Resources (HRM)

Transparency and accountability in Human Resources (HRM)

Travel Requirements in Human Resources (HRM)

Turnover Costs in Human Resources (HRM)

Turnover Rate in Human Resources (HRM)


Unfair Labor Practice in Human Resources (HRM)

Unemployment Insurance in Human Resource Management (HRM)

Union Contract in Human Resources (HRM)

Untapped talent in Human Resources (HRM)

Upskilling in Human Resources (HRM)

Utilization Analysis in Human Resources (HRM)


Vacancy Rate in Human Resources (HRM)

Vacation Time in Human Resource Management (HRM)

Values Statement in Human Resources (HRM)

Vertical Organization in Human Resources (HRM)

Vision Statement in Human Resources (HRM)

Voluntary Benefit in Human Resources (HRM)


Work Environment in Human Resources (HRM)

Work Schedule in Human Resources (HRM)

Workforce Analytics in Human Resources (HRM)

Workforce Diversity in Human Resources (HRM)

Workforce Planning in Human Resources (HRM)

Workforce Readiness in Human Resources (HRM)

Workforce Reduction in Human Resources (HRM)

Working Conditions in Human Resources (HRM)

Work-life balance in Human Resources (HRM)


Yellow-Dog Contract in Human Resources (HRM)

Yield Ratios in Human Resources (HRM)


Zero-Based Budgeting in Human Resources (HRM)

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