Every individual has different motivators. To create a workplace that supports unique motivators for many individuals, you must learn how to stimulate motivation on an individual basis.
Creating a motivating atmosphere involves three key steps,
- discover what motivates employees
- show them the benefits, and
- ally the organization’s goals with the employee’s goals
The first step is to discover exactly what motivates each employee. You can use several techniques to do this
- Talk to the employee about motivators – Like many leaders, your first reaction might be that compensation and other extrinsic rewards are good motivators.
- Have the employee list and rate his motivators – A great way to uncover your employees’ personal motivators is by using an assessment exercise.
- Discuss the employee’s list – There’s a good chance that after comparing your lists, you’ll find he’s motivated by completely different things than you thought.
Whatever approach you may take to discover personal motivators, consider how you’ll modify your actions or behaviors to ensure that employees’ needs are met. If you focus your actions on the specific things that motivate your employees, you’ll be on the road to success.
The second step is to show employees the benefits of doing what you want them to do. The best way is to demonstrate how the task or behavior you want them to perform will enhance their
- feelings of participation and belonging
- self-esteem and recognition, and
- self-actualization and personal growth
Recall that these are the three highest categories in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. And don’t forget to consider the individual’s preferences when you’re showing them the benefits.
The final step in motivating individuals is to ally the organization’s goals with the employee’s goals. This is important because your employees might be highly motivated and working hard, but if they’re not working toward organizational goals, their motivation doesn’t help organizational performance. Ensure that employees know exactly what your organization’s goals are so everyone can work toward these goals.