Importance of Communication

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Basics of Communication

Communication is the exchange of information, ideas, and knowledge between the sender and receiver through an accepted code of symbols. It is a two-way process. The process is as

  • an information source or sender, which produces a message
  • a transmitter or encoding, which encodes the message into signals
  • a channel, to which signals are adapted for transmission
  • a receiver or decoding, which decodes the message from the signal
  • a destination or receiver, where the message arrives.
  • noise, is any interference with the message traveling along the channel

For the telephone, the channel is a wire, the signal is an electrical current, and the transmitter and receiver are the handsets. Noise would include crackling from the wire. Feedback would include the dialing tone, which tells you that the line is ‘live’. In a conversation, my brain is the source and your brain is the receiver. The encoder might be the language I use to speak with you; the decoder is the language you use to understand me. Noise would include any distraction you might experience as I speak. Feedback would include your responses to what I am saying: gestures, facial expressions and any other signals I pick up that give me some sense of how you are receiving my message. The communication process can be depicted as

Communication types

Verbal communication – It uses verbal medium like words, speeches, presentations etc. and the sender shares his/her thoughts in the form of words. The tone of the speaker, the pitch and the quality of words play a crucial role in verbal communication.

Non verbal communication – It involves facial expressions, gestures, hand and hair movements and body postures for non verbal communication. Any communication made between two people without words and simply through facial movements, gestures or hand movements is called as non verbal communication.

Communication Barriers

Communication Problems – Problem while communicating can be due to various reasons as

  • Information is presented in confusing or misleading ways
  • Communication fails to happen (purposefully or accidentally)
  • Communication is misinterpreted
  • Communication is unclear
  • Communication contains incorrect data, information, or knowledge

Communication Barriers – Barriers block communication due to which the information to communicate, is not absorbed correctly by the audience. Various barriers which affect communications are

  • Noise – Noises present during communication like in marriages high volume music is used
  • Cultural barriers – Persons from different culture acts as a barrier like dealing with foreigner
  • Emotions – Receiver is emotionally charged like sad due to death of near one
  • Poor retention – Receiver is unable to recall or remember the information

Barrier Removal can be done by taking effective steps as per the barrier type. Different barrier solving steps usually include

  • Effective Listening
  • Convey emotional contents of the message
  • Use appropriate language
  • Use proper channel
  • Encourage open communication
  • Ensure two-way communication
  • Make best use of body language

Verbal Communication

The word ‘verbal’ means connected with words and the use of words. Human beings use words that makes language to communicate. Words are the most accurate and powerful set of symbols.

Oral communication – Humans learn to speak much before writing. In the same way, in an organization people speak much more, before writing. In fact speech,  or oral use of language,  acts as the first binding factor between one person and another.  That is also the reason why communication becomes conversational in nature.

Listening – Speaking and listening, listening, and speaking go hand in hand. No oral communication can be effective without proper listening. Proper listening assures the speaker that the listener is sincere and can be trusted.

Non-Verbal Communication

It includes various type of communication like sign language, body gestures, etc.

Sign Language – There are vast range visual and audio signs outside the gamut of words. Regarding the use of visual elements a Chinese proverb says “A picture is worth a thousand words”.


Visual Signs – Organizations uses many types of visual signs like posters, drawings, photographs, cartoons, caricatures, statues etc., to convey message for general information. Maps and diagrams are used in books of geography, science, economics, and history and very often in presentations.


Audio or Sound Signals – Earlier drum beating was used by people to sound an alarm or to tell the people to gather at a central place. They are still used in modern times to mark different occasions like an important announcement or to tell the people to assemble at some place like VIP horn.


Body Language – Body plays the most important role a serious study the way body communicates Human body and its various parts play an important role in communication. All our body movements, gestures, postures etc., are guided by our feelings and thought processes.

Head – Head plays an important part in non-verbal communication due to

  • In any meeting or interview the way we hold our head is very important.
  • It is a sign of honor and self respect, confidence and our interest in the person before us
  • Head jerks indicate rejection or agreements, depending upon the context and the personality of the person.

Face – Face is under focus during non-verbal communication especially in face-to-face communication, meetings, and public speaking. It’s importance is also due to

  • It has been said that ‘the face is index of the mind’. Whatever we feel deep inside is reflected on our face. Every facial muscle is an instrument of communication and plays an important role in face-to-face communication.
  • The lines of our forehead, the eyebrows, the muscles of our cheeks, our lips-in a smile or in surprise all these speak louder than words.

Eye Contact – Eye contact is of paramount importance in face-to-face communication. The eyes, along with the eyebrows, eyelids, and the size of pupils communicate our deepest feelings. “Live Eyes Are the Windows to the Soul” Eye contact is the most important Non Verbal skill.

Gestures – Movements of your arms, legs, hands, torso, and head are called gestures. And gestures also communicate very meaningfully. A forefinger and a thumb touching to form a circle stand for ‘OK’. Emblems or quotable gestures are conventional, culture-specific gestures that can be used as a replacement for words, such as the handwave used in the US for “hello” and “goodbye” but convey different meanings in different cultures.

Communication Skills Development

Communication skill development involves the development of various facets of personality which includes verbal and non-verbal communication skill development. Summary of focus areas for an individual is listed for communication skill development

  • Know what communication really is. Communication is the process of transferring signals/messages between a sender and a receiver through various methods (written words, nonverbal cues, spoken words).
  • Have courage to say what you think. Be confident in knowing that you can make worthwhile contributions to conversation.
  • Practice. Developing advanced communication skills begins with simple interactions. Communication skills can be practiced every day in settings that range from the social to the professional. New skills take time to refine, but each time you use your communication skills, you open yourself to opportunities and future partnerships.

Engage Your Audience

Make eye contact. Whether you are speaking or listening, looking into the eyes of the person with whom you are conversing can make the interaction more successful. Eye contact conveys interest and encourages your partner to be interested in you in return.

  • One technique to help with this is to consciously look into one of the listener’s eyes and then move to the other eye. Going back and forth between the two makes your eyes appear to sparkle.
  • Use gestures. These include gestures with your hands and face. Make your whole body talk. Use smaller gestures for individuals and small groups.
  • Don’t send mixed messages. Make your words, gestures, facial expressions and tone match. Disciplining someone while smiling sends a mixed message and is therefore ineffective.
  • Manifest constructive attitudes and beliefs. The attitudes you bring to communication will have a huge impact on the way you compose yourself and interact with others.
  • Develop effective listening skills: Not only should one be able to speak effectively, one must listen to the other person’s words and engage in communication on what the other person is speaking about.

Use Your Words

  • Enunciate your words. Speak clearly and don’t mumble. If people are always asking you to repeat yourself, try to do a better job of articulating yourself in a better manner.
  • Pronounce your words correctly. People will judge your competency through your vocabulary. If you aren’t sure of how to say a word, don’t use it.
  • Use the right words. If you’re not sure of the meaning of a word, don’t use it.
  • Slow your speech down. People will perceive you as nervous and unsure of yourself if you talk fast.

Use Your Voice

  • Develop your voice – A high or whiny voice is not perceived to be one of authority. In fact, a high and soft voice can make you sound like prey to an aggressive co-worker or make others not take you seriously. Begin doing exercises to lower the pitch of your voice. Try singing, but do it an octave lower on all your favorite songs. Practice this and, after a period of time, your voice will begin to lower.
  • Animate your voice. Avoid a monotone and use dynamics. Your pitch should raise and lower periodically. Radio DJ’s are usually a good example of this.
  • Use appropriate volume. Use a volume that is appropriate for the setting. Speak more softly when you are alone and close. Speak louder when you are speaking to larger groups or across larger spaces.


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