Generation of Computers

The progress of human technology to make life easier has brought many changes in computers. Generation of computers details, how computer technology has progressed to its current state from ancestors. Thus, ‘Generation’ signifies the advancements in computers. In 600BC a manual device was used for purpose of calculation.

First Generation Computers

Vacuum tube technology was used in this generation of computers.

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator & calculator) was first general purpose computer developed in USA was designed using 1800 vacuum tubes (Diode or Triode valves)

EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable auto Computer) was able to store programs and data in the memory. It is considered, as first digital computer using 1’s and 0’s to represent all characters.

UNIVAC –I (Universal automatic Computer) first digital computer produced on mass scale for commercial use.

Advantages of First Generation computers

  • They were faster than other computing devices
  • Electronic devices now were able to do computation, as this generation had shown the technology

Disadvantages of First Generation computers

  • Vacuum tube required lots of power for operation
  • Vacuum tube generated a lot of heat, hence air-conditioning was required
  • Computers were bulky and were not portable
  • Computers occupied a lot of space
  • Due to frequent breakdown, constant maintenance was required

Second Generation Computers

They were designed using transistors. Ferrite core was used for main memory. For secondary memory Magnetic tape/ Disks/Drums were used. High-level languages like FORTRAN, ALGOL COBOL, were used for programming. SGC were more reliable and faster. They used to generate less heat but air-conditioning was required. IBM-1620, IBM – 7090 CDC-1604, PDP-1, PDP-5.

Advantages of Second Generation computers

  • They were faster in computation, than the first generation computers
  • They occupied less space, as transistors were small, as compared to the first generation computers

Disadvantages of Second Generation computers

  • Transistors generated heat, hence air-conditioning was required
  • Computers were still bulky and were not portable
  • Computers occupied a lot of space
  • Due to breakdown, frequent maintenance was required

Third Generation Computers

They were designed using integrated circuits (IC’s) technology. They have core magnetic memory or semiconductor memories (RAM and ROM) Computers were having the cache memory feature. Secondary storage memories were similar to 2nd generation computers. Concept of multiprocessing and multiprogramming was introduced. IC chip means integrated circuit chip i.e. a chip is an area less than 5mm. Square and IC chip means integrating or joining electronic circuits in less 5mm. Square area.

Advantages of Third Generation computers

  • They were faster in computation, than the second-generation computers
  • They occupied less space, as IC chip were small, as compared to the transistors
  • Due to high reliability less maintenance was required

Disadvantages of Third Generation computers

  • IC chip technology was more complex and thus, expert persons were required

Fourth Generation Computer

Its features are

  • Uses VLSI chips for memory & CPU
  • RAM 1to 256 MB or more available
  • Cache memory on CPU chips
  • Concept of super computer having more than 1 CPU’s
  • Additional Numerical processor
  • Larger hard disks 1.2-6.5 GB or more
  • Optical Disks for mass storage
  • Audio/Video capability

e.g. IBM PC 8086/8088/80286/80386/80486, PENTIUM-MMX, PENTIUM II/III, IBM-AS/400, CRAY Y-MPC, PARAM 10000.

Advantages of Fourth Generation computers

  • They were faster in computation, than the third generation computers
  • They occupied less space, as it shrunk the area required by electronic circuits
  • They were more reliable and low maintenance was required

Disadvantages of Fourth Generation computers

  • Due to breakdown, frequent maintenance was required
  • IC chip technology was more complex and thus, expert persons were required

Fifth Generation Computers

The aim of 5th generation is to bring machines with general intelligence, the ability to reason logically. It is not just data processing but knowledge processing. Some of the expected features of 5th generation computers are as follows

  • These computers will use ULSI chips (Ultra Large scale integration) to achieve more efficiency
  • The input and output is speech & graphics, in future they will understand languages like English, Japanese
  • Computer will do the job of programming
  • Extensive use of parallel processing will be used
  • All data may not be stored in main memory; they may flow through processing units by activating them according to the computers

These computers are yet to come and scientists are doing research on them. Computer will be having its own intelligence. Hence, it will take decisions on its own. ULSI and AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology will be used in these computers.

Characteristics of computer
Classification of Computers

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