FTP configuration

FTP configuration

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a common method used for uploading files to a web server. In Joomla, FTP can be configured to allow for file uploads and updates to the website.

To configure FTP in Joomla, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the Joomla backend with your administrator credentials.
  2. Click on the “System” menu item and select “Global Configuration”.
  3. Under the “Server” tab, scroll down to the “FTP Settings” section.
  4. Enter your FTP hostname, username, and password. If you are not sure what these are, you may need to contact your web hosting provider.
  5. Choose the appropriate FTP mode. Joomla supports both passive and active modes, but passive mode is typically recommended for most situations.
  6. Click the “Save & Close” button to save your FTP configuration.

Once you have configured FTP in Joomla, you can use it to upload files to your web server, such as extensions or templates. Simply go to the “Extensions” menu and select “Manage”, then click the “Upload Package File” tab and select your file. You may be prompted to enter your FTP credentials again if necessary. Overall, configuring FTP in Joomla is a relatively simple process that can greatly enhance the functionality and flexibility of your website.

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