The important attributes other than the standard and UI event attributes, are src: It points to the web page to be displayed in the <frame> tag and its value is a relative URL pointing to a web page like src=”top.htm” It loads the web page named ‘top.htm’ present in current directory. name: It is used to identify a frame and is usually used to create links in one frame that load pages into a second frame, thus this attribute is used to identify as the target of link. frameborder: It is used to enable or disable showing of border around a frame. It overrides value of frameborder attribute given in the <frameset> tag. It takes the value 1 for yes or 0 for no like frameborder=”0″ means no border. marginwidth: It gives the value of space between the left and right of the frame’s borders and the frame’s content. It is given in pixels in numbers like marginwidth=”5″. marginheight: It gives the value of space between the top and bottom of the frame’s borders and its contents. It is given in pixels in numbers like marginheight=”5″. noresize: It specify whether a frame can be resized or not. Its absence means user can resize and to disable resizing use noresize=”noresize”. scrolling: It specify whether scrollbars appear on the frame or not. It has a value of “yes”, “no” or “auto” like scrolling=”no” specify no scroll bars. longdesc: It points to a link to a web page which has description of the contents of the frame like longdesc=”describe.htm”
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