Follow up and Feedback

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Govt. Certified Business Comm. Specialist

Follow up and Feedback

Feedback and follow-up need to go hand in hand, you should not ever give feedback to an employee without providing a subsequent follow-up session.  The opportunity area for many managers is remembering to have the follow-up and taking the steps necessary to ensure it is an effective conversation.

There are many ways to hold yourself to these follow-up sessions.

  • First one needs to understand why there are no follow-up sessions. Understanding why there are no successful following-ups with the employees can be very productive. 
  • Once the “why” is identified, an individual can begin to devise an action plan to ensure that every time one gives a feedback, he/she is at the same time providing follow-up. When aptly used, the feedback model is one of the most important tools for managers when dealing with reports; it holds everyone accountable. 
  • By having a properly organised follow-up session one can lessen the time it takes to realise concerns, develop action plans, and strengthen opportunity areas.

A feedback contains the followings:

  • Encourages continuing participation
  • Clarifies whether community issues have been accurately understood
  • Improves relationships
  • Builds trust and confidence in the engagement process assesses the appropriateness and effectiveness of the engagement techniques used and clarifies whether the original government/community goals and objectives are being met.

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