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Etiquette is the conduct or procedure required or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life. Rules of etiquette encompass most aspects of social interaction in any society, though the term itself is not commonly used. A rule of etiquette may reflect an underlying ethical code, or it may reflect a person’s fashion or status. Rules of etiquette are usually unwritten, but aspects of etiquette have been codified from time to time.

Your Appearance – Be firm and start to care. Dress like a professional and act like one.

Physical and Verbal Behavior – Your behavior at work is reflective of your personality. The way to walk, sit at your desk and handle yourself at a meeting or with a group of co-workers is very important. So, avoid lazy, drooping posture or movement.

Common Courtesy – People never make an eye contact or say a hello which is a distorted Office Etiquette. Put your problems and preoccupations aside and focus on the people around you at work every now and then. Its not hard to do and rewards far outstrip the requisite effort.

Etiquettes Dos that should also be taken of while at work are

  • Be polite
  • Seek help for anger problems
  • Dress professionally
  • No exposed midriff to display tattoos and body piercing.
  • Be neat, clean and as conservative as the business requires you to be
  • We are put off by smelly people. So, be sure to shower regularly and use a suitable deodorant
  • Do not cough or sneeze in anyone’s direction. Use a tissue, if possible, to contain the germs and then say “Excuse me”

The essence of good manners and etiquette is to be respectful and courteous at all times and with everybody. Therefore, treat your co-workers, cleaners, maintenance people and others with respect and courtesy


Grooming also called titivating or preening, is the art of cleaning, grooming, and maintaining parts of the body. Tips for grooming for men or women are discussed.

Grooming and Clothing for women

  • Makeup should be subtle-down to a minimum.
  • Never wear contrasting undergarments under light tops as it will show.
  • Avoid Chunky, jangling jewellery or anything which creates sound.
  • Your shirts collar, cuffs should be clean and there should be no missing buttons
  • Keep your nails clean and polished.
  • Always carry a clean hanky.
  • Dress for comfort and professional effect.

Grooming and Clothing for men

  • Shaving daily is a must. If you want to keep a moustache or beard, it should be trimmed.
  • Keep your hair way above your collar and keep side burns trimmed and short.
  • Keep nails short and clean, as your hands are seen while communicating.
  • Darker suits carry more authority; the most powerful colors are dark blue, grey and black.
  • They should be long enough that skin is not seen when legs are crossed.
  • White socks and sports socks are a big no-no.

Accessories for Men

  • Jewelry should be very simple and conservative.
  • Briefcases should be leather; brown and black are the best colors.
  • Watches should be simple and plain.
  • Tie pins and cuff links add to your professional look, so use them.


Manners involve a wide range of social interactions within cultural norms. Manners are like laws in that they codify or set a standard for human behavior but there is no formal system for punishing violations, the main informal “punishment” being social disapproval. They are a kind of norm.

One needs to be professional and organized. It is important to behave well at the workplace to earn respect and appreciation. Some basic do’s and don’ts behavior are

  • Never adopt a casual attitude at work.
  • Don’t peep into other’s cubicles and workstations.
  • Put your hand phone in the silent or vibrating mode at the workplace.
  • It is bad manners to sneeze or cough in public without covering your mouth.
  • Stay away from nasty politics at the workplace. Avoid playing blame games.
  • Office Stationery is meant to be used only at work.
  • Make sure you turn off the monitor while you go out for lunch or tea breaks.
  • Don’t bring your personal work to office.
  • Never ever drink while you are at work. Smoke only at the smoking zones.
  • Do not leave the restroom with taps on.

Telephone etiquettes

  • Take the call without disruption
  • Never chew gum, eat or drink while you are on call.
  • Be empathetic and apologetic in case of any problem
  • Express gratitude for calling and ask them to call again

Etiquettes of using a Door

  • Junior staff should always give the way to seniors
  • Hold the door for the person who is coming behind you when you exit first
  • Allow ladies to enter first
  • Leave the door as it was initially at the time of entering the room



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Etiquette, manners and grooming
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