div and span tags

div and span tags

In Dreamweaver CS5, the <div> and <span> tags are used to create layout and formatting elements in HTML and CSS.

The <div> tag is a container tag used to group and organize content on a webpage. It is a block-level element and can be styled using CSS to create specific layouts and positioning on the page. The <div> tag can be given an ID or a class to target specific styling or functionality.

The <span> tag is an inline element used to apply styles or formatting to specific parts of the content within a <div> or other container tag. It is often used to highlight or emphasize a particular word or phrase within a sentence or paragraph.

In Dreamweaver CS5, these tags can be easily inserted using the Insert panel or the Code view. Once inserted, their properties can be edited using the Properties panel or by directly modifying the code.

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