The results of operations of a subsidiary are included in the consolidated financial statement as from the date on which parent-subsidiary relationship comes into existence and are included in the consolidated statement of profit and loss until the date of cessation of the relationship. On disposal of the investment, consolidated profit and loss account will include the transactions till the date the parent-subsidiary relationship ceases to exist. The difference between the proceeds from the disposal of investment and the parent’s share in the net asset of the subsidiary on the basis of the carrying amount, on the date of disposal is recorded in the consolidated profit and loss account. While calculating the share of parent in the net asset of the subsidiary on the date of disposal, adjustment is made for the minority interest calculated as above.
In order to ensure the comparability of the financial statements from one accounting period to the next, supplementary information is often provided about the effect of the acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries on the financial position at the reporting date and the results for the reporting period and on the corresponding amounts for the preceding period. The carrying amount of the investment at the date that it ceases to be a subsidiary is regarded as cost thereafter.
Investment in the subsidiary, in the separate financial statement of the parent is recorded according to the provisions of AS 13.