Thank goodness for digital technology that allows you to e-mail pictures of homes to prospects far and wide with the simple click of a mouse. The right picture can heighten interest, prompt purchase decisions, and deliver thousands of dollars in commission income. For that reason, a digital camera and photography expertise are necessary in your business.
The right camera
Select a digital camera for taking pictures inside and outside the homes you’re representing. If you’re on a tight budget, you can find a solid camera for around Rs. 5000. Just be sure it includes the following features:
- Point and shoot: Cameras with this function focus and adjust for available lighting. They’re easy to use, and therefore you’re likely to use them often.
- A reasonable number of mega pixels: Mega pixels determine photo resolution, which is essentially image quality. The bad news is that the more mega pixels you get, the more money you’ll spend. They use storage space in your camera and in your computer. They also result in larger files that take longer to e-mail. A camera with 5 mega pixels is enough to get the job done well.
- Easy transfer and storage capability. Select a camera with an easy-to-use memory card that you can insert into your computer, or select a model that connects via a USB cable so that you can easily transfer your images to your computer.
Taking digital photos
The key to success in taking digital pictures is to take a lot of them. With digital cameras you’re not spending money on film and development, so each photo is basically free. When you’re at a property, snap freely. You can always edit, resize, crop, rotate, and enhance your photos with special effects when you’re back at your computer.
Capturing the best images
For exterior photos
- Photograph when natural light is abundant.
- Position yourself so that the sun is directly behind, or at an angle behind, your back. Otherwise your photo will have a glare that you may have to remove during editing.
For interior photos
- Create shots that give the illusion of spaciousness. Do so by incorporating transitional areas, such as hallways or entryways, in with rooms in the same photo.
- Take lots and lots of shots. Don’t edit on the spot or become paralyzed by second-guessing. Don’t use the camera’s viewing screen to evaluate the pictures at length. Capture as many images as possible, and then wait until you download them into your computer to analyze, cull, select, and edit.
Choosing the best shots
The whole point of featuring photos is to entice prospects to come see the real thing. So, select and use only those images that convey comfort, and unique quality, when selecting shots, choose quality over quantity.
Creating and organizing photo files
Set up a system so you can store and access the images you may need in the future. Following each photo shoot, first delete the pictures you don’t want to use, and then store the rest. When storing your pictures, your camera automatically suggests a file name. Rename each picture by choosing a name that depicts the home or its address. Then move the images into folders that are labeled by property address.